Tiring Thursday!

~ Posted on Friday, August 27, 2010 at 1:50 AM ~

Phewww... what a day!!

Ben is particularly active today, refused to take his daytime nap until it was about 2 hours past his usual nap time hours... causing me to think of more activities to tire him out.

Ben with Elmo and Cookie Monster

Ben answering phone

Ben reading book

From L to R:

* Ben stacking up the Mega Bloks while sitting in the storage box with Elmo & Cookie Monster

* Ben answering phone calls (seems urgent and very confidential)

* Ben checking out the new book mummy received for review under Booksneeze program.

After Ben had his naptime for about 2 hours (about 5pm+ by the time he woke up from his nap), we spent some time checking out this new book that I received from Booksneeze to review (*stay tuned for the review sometime in the 1st week of September) then I peeked out at the balcony and saw the most beautiful sunset outside and decided to spend a short while playing with Ben at the balcony.

Just look at the glorious sunset view... Wouldn't it be a waste if we don't enjoy it right?

Ben intrigued with the balcony light

Ben trying to spray the balcony light with water

Ben spraying water at mummy

From L to R:

* Ben pointing at the balcony light, obviously very intrigued with it since it's his 1st time seeing the balcony light.

* Ben trying to spray water at the balcony light.

* Realising he couldn't spray the balcony light, he turns his target to ME. Sorry for the blurry picture cos I was trying to avoid from being sprayed!

After the brief playing at the balcony, I bathed Ben and then we went downstairs, I proceeded to make Ben's dinner while he spends some time with his grandma.

Ben's dinner

Ben's dinner!

Top portion:

* 1.5oz of mashed pumpkin (steamed)

* 2oz of mashed potatoes

* 2oz of fish - shredded & ensured no bones

Bottom portion:

* Soft rice enough to cover (about 6tbsp)

* 1oz sliced carrots (steamed)

 After dinner, Ben also had a few bites of durian... Then we played again in the room, this time daddy joining in after a hectic day of rushing a project for his client.

And Ben finally goes to his dreamland at 11pm+... quite late for his usual sleeping hours.. but it's because he doesn't get to spend much time with daddy today so he's trying to stay up as long as he could... :P

So there you have it... a tiring Thursday for mummy and Ben...

What do you do when you want to tire out your child? (Heheheh...)