Life is Like a Tunnel...

~ Posted on Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 11:23 AM ~

Dearest Mummy & Daddy,

Thank you for taking care of me.

I know I am very mischievous and hyper curious with everything.

Sometimes I see new things, I want to go explore it.

I want to touch it,

I want to throw it (to see whether it makes funny sounds so I can practise my "Uh-ohhhh" sounds),

I want to step on it, I want to shake it.

I know I am growing up real fast.

With each day I am growing bigger and wiser.

I know I have to learn to make my own decisions when I grow up.

I'm a full-time mummy

I'm a full-time mummy

I'm a full-time mummy

I'm a full-time mummy

I'm a full-time mummy

I'm a full-time mummy

* Pictures of Ben crawling in the tunnel at our favorite playground during our recent family outing.



Life is like a big tunnel, huh?

I was initially worried and skeptical with the tunnel.

I mean, what's waiting on the other side?

Why do I have to go in alone?

What if there are frightening things inside the tunnel?

After a few coaxing and comforting words from mummy and daddy, I took the first step and crawled in.

And let me tell you, once you stepped crawled inside, you have to keep going and not regret the decision.

One must look forward to what's waiting on the other side!

Yes, we can paused and take a breather for a while to enjoy the journey in the tunnel of life,

but we have to keep going and not be complacent with what we have. Read: Ecclesiastes 10:18 (NIV)

We have to keep learning and go on with life.

We have to make use of what God gives to us.

Mummy said "God gives us the ability and capability to do things, make sure you do it and use it".

Don't waste God's work and efforts on us.

Mummy's daddy once told her that "once you start on doing something, make sure it's completed".

Don't ever leave something unfinished! Read: James 1:4 (NIV)

Everytime mummy prays to God, she prays that:

I grow up to be a God-fearing and God-loving child.

One who lives life according to His will.

One that does things that is pleasing to Him.

One that brings joy to the lives of all people who sees him.

One that shows the example of Christian living.

One that will honor and respect and takes care of his parents when he grows up.

I hope I can be that when I grow up.

And by the way, you know what I see at the end of the tunnel?


I'm a full-time mummy

Clear blue sky with vast opportunities in front of me.

And with mummy and daddy by my side watching over me,

feeling so proud I've crawled through the tunnel ALL BY MYSELF!

And God watching over all of us, smiling down at my little feat!

Read: Exodus 9:16 (NIV), Romans 8:28 (NIV), Romans 12:2 (NIV)

This post is written as part of this week's Writer's Workshop.

I'm a full-time mummy