Farewell Lunch to Great Grandma!

~ Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 11:32 AM ~

Last Sunday, we had a lunch farewell plus early birthday celebration for our dearest Great Grandma (Grandma or PoPo to us) who will be leaving for Sydney in a few days time.

Below are some of the pictures taken during the celebration:

Venue: The Ming Room, Bangsar Shopping Center.

Good choice of place, great food and we had a private room for our function so it feels very comfy and spacious and the service are good too!

Ben's cousins just got back from a church performance (multiracial performance theme) and one of them put on the China man cap on Ben.

Ben is so amused at the long piggy tails that came attached with the cap...

Ben keeping himself hydrated...

Didn't manage to take pictures of any of the dishes because I was busy going for it!

Hahahah... and I was also feeding some to Ben so no free hands to take pictures.

But trust me, the food is really good!

Below is one of the dish we had which I took from the restaurant's website:

Braised Abalone with Imperial Beancurd and broccoli. Super yummy!

After the lunch, we chat around then the children (8 with 1 late teen) got ready for a musical performance for Great Grandma.

We all sang 2 songs while Ben happily sleeps away in his babyland...

Great Grandma praying and making a wish as we celebrated her birthday early.

And this is the yummy birthday cake! I had 2 slice of this, yumyum!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish Great Grandma a smooth and safe journey to Sydney and hope that she will enjoy her short stay there.

We'll all be waiting for you when you come back in few months time!