Wordless Wednesday (Ben with Sunglasses)

~ Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at 10:09 AM ~

Comparing Playgrounds...

~ Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at 12:40 AM ~

Earlier today, Ben and I followed hubby to his client's house about 30 minutes away from ours (by car). I went there with Ben to check out the new playground near his client's house. Hubby who went there few days earlier told me that this playground is quite huge and the games there are much bigger than the one we usually go and that we should come along the next time he goes to see his client.

So without further adieu, below are the comparisons of the playground we always go for our evening family walks and the one we visited earlier today.

Features The one we always go The new one we went earlier today

The see-saw

Other games

What I think?

The big football field next to the playground,

Love the greens... Ample space... 

Hate the dog poos around the walkway...

More fancy games to play.

Some tunnels/platforms are too close,

might pose a risk of falling down.

I think I still prefer the park we always go to  hahahah

After all it's closer to our home (few minutes away) and is a very big park cum playground (has 2 badminton courts and a big field).