Off On A New Adventure!

~ Posted on Friday, August 13, 2010 at 12:25 AM ~

Ladies and gentlemen!

I would like to announce that I'll be embarking on a new adventure (Ok, Ok, my personal project) one of this days, so I'm going to tone down the frequency of my blogging (currently is daily except Sundays).

But that doesn't mean I'm going to disappear altogether... I'm just going to be busier with my own project (no, no, not another blog... I know the last time I mentioned something about being involved in a personal project and the next thing you see is me coming up with my own domain and self hosted website! But for this round, nope, no new blog, so don't worry!)

You see, I've just purchased these 2 books:

This will be the first step towards my adventure into baking world!

I'm so freaking excited! And I'm only armed with this 2 books for now!

(Wait til I get the oven, then I'll be super excited! :P)

I know I have zero knowledge in baking (hence the books duh!) and I know I don't cook for adults much (I do cook for Ben's solids!) so I want to make this work! I've searched around on the Net for more info I can find on baking but there's so many conflicting and not to mention confusing information out there.

I want to know what type of ovens I should get, what are the essentials equipments, ingredients, yada yada yada...

So, these 2 books are going to help me (hopefully!)

Once we get around to purchasing the oven (advance thanks to hubby for the encouragement and sponsor! Hehehehe!), baking equipments and settle down for some easy peasy recipes, I'll blog more about my baking adventures.

Until then, it is back to normal blogging topics about Ben, our family, our life, whatever I came across...

I just wanted to keep you all in the loop about my new adventure!

Wish me luck!