Happy 18 Months to My Breastfeeding!

~ Posted on Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 12:46 AM ~

I would like to dedicate this post to my breasts

for the wonderful jobs that they have done in providing (up to now),

18 blissful months of

nutritious, yummylicious, healthy, full of goodness

breastmilk for my little boy...


 Ben at 3 months old...

 Ben at 12 months old...


 Ben at 13 months old...

To those who said the following sentences to me:

* "You need to supplement Ben with formula milk. Can't you see him crying? It means he's hungry!" (This was said during the first 2 weeks after I delivered Ben)

* "Give him water to drink too! (This was said THROUGHOUT my first 6 months of exclusively breastfeeding Ben)"

* "Ermm... so small (looking at my breasts) you sure there's enough milk for your baby? You should top up with formula!" (This was said after Ben turned 6 months old and started solids)

* "He already started solids, don't you think it's time to wean him off your breasts?" (This was said after Ben turned 6 months old and started solids)


There are many many statements like this that I get...

but the above are the common ones I hear most often.

Now, for those who said the above to me, let me tell you this,

Month after month after month, I proved you guys wrong.

I am still going strong.

It's still zero speck of formula powder in our house.

Look, I'm not breastfeeding on just to prove to you guys anything,

what I wanted to say is that you guys should really keep your 'smart-arse' opinions to yourself,

especially if you've NEVER breastfeed before.

Negative statements like the ones I heard above can turn any vulnerable new moms to depression

and made them think breastfeeding is such a big challenge with so much hassles.

For any new mums or those who are going to be a mum anytime soon,

don't give a hoot to what others think or say about your ability to produce breastmilk and feed your baby.

If you put your thoughts to it, you can and you will succeed!

Cheers to my breasts again for the 18 wonderful months and pray for more to come!

Oh, and of course, happy 18 months to my dearest Benjamin! Cool

Breastfeeding Ben at 16 months old...