Good Things Keep Coming!

~ Posted on Wednesday, October 6, 2010 at 12:14 AM ~

Was supposed to post this on Monday which was the day when the good things all came rolling but could only write it up on Monday late night and scheduled for it to be published today. So here it goes:

#1: A whopping TEN books came on the same day for me to review!

The above was the first 9 toddler books which arrived on Monday morning. I was at the kitchen showing the books to my MIL when the 10th book (a parenting book) arrived via UPS delivery. If only you could see my non-stop grinning and happy face!

With this latest addition, I have on my hand now the following items to review:

* Hardcopy: 9 toddler books, 1 parenting book

* Softcopy: 2 cooking books

* 1 baby product, 1 household product

I need to mention there are some more books and products which are making their way to me... God is awfully good to us! God, thank you so much for all this opportunity! Keep em' coming!

#2: Blog followers / visitors using Internet Explorer are able to post comments in my blog now!

Previously, I had this pain in the arse bug in my blog engine which disallow my blog readers to leave their sweet comments in my blog if they are using Internet Explorer. No matter how I tried and test, it just doesn't allow me to leave a comment. The screen just tried to submit the comment and hang after a while. It has been going on some time and I ended up installing the Google Comment widget as a temporary fix while waiting for miracle to happen the bug to be fix.

During the weekend, I took out some widget codes on my sidebar and next thing I know, I was browsing some websites using Internet Explorer and decided to post a test comment on my blog comment and voila! I couldn't believe it myself either and had to test a few rounds before finally accepting this great news! I'm going to let my Google Comment widget remain for a while longer before I take out the code as well (just in case...) so, please do drop me a comment if you're using IE to surf Net so that I know the bug is really gone for now!

#3: 19 months celebrations!

My little man turns 19 months old on Monday, which also marks my 19th month of breastfeeding him!

#4: Potty training mini milestone!

Hubby and I do not wish to force Ben into potty training unless he's absolutely ready for it but one of the books which came on Monday is a potty training book for boys (I'm a sucker for childrens' books which geared towards each side of the gender) and I requested for this particular book so that I could read up and be prepared when the time comes one day.

Since I have 10 hardcopies of books waiting for my review, I was just flipping through the pages and making up my own version of the story as I go along the book with Ben.

When we're done, he walked to our bathroom with me trailing behind, and he sat on one of the potty! (We had two different potty for Ben to try which we just leave in the bathroom so that he gets familiar with seeing it) I was so excited with this sight cos' previously, no matter how we coaxed him into trying to sit on it, he would just shake his head and walked off. But on this memorable day, he walked towards one, sat on it, then walked to the other, sat on it. And walked off and continued playing. Leaving me dumbfounded and wishing I had taken my camera along to record that... never mind, I have not started the review for the book officially anyway, just want to note down that it's pretty amazing to have such a positive milestone!

To end this post, I would like to thank God again for blessing us with all these!

Read: John 1:16 (NIV)