Trip to KLCC Aquaria

~ Posted on Monday, October 11, 2010 at 12:12 AM ~

We made a trip to KLCC Aquaria last Friday afternoon (after Ben woke up from his nap). Just a brief info for those of you who wants to know more:

"Aquaria KLCC, is the only state-of the art 60,000 sq. ft. aquarium right in the heart of beautiful Kuala Lumpur City. Key highlights include their daily Piranha Feeding Show, the unique DNA Touch Pool with Bamboo Shark, Horseshoe Crabs and starfish, a giant size tube tank, an Amazon Flooded Forest featuring the gigantic Arapaima, Coastal section, a 2.5 million litre “Living Ocean” which houses most of our large marine animals, the Weird and Wonderful section which exhibits unique animals including Chambered Nautilus and jellyfish collection.  Be amazed by our life-sized models of marine animals including a Hammerhead Shark, a Great White Shark, a Barracuda, an Ocean Sunfish (Mola mola) and a Anglerfish at the Discovery Zone."

Ben at KLCC Aquaria

Ben got excited looking at the fish murals while we're walking towards the ticketing counter...

Ben at KLCC Aquaria

Ben pointing at the piranhas to some tourists behind us...

Ben at KLCC Aquaria

Ben pointing at the long necked tortoise behind him...

We missed some of the daily feeding sessions as we arrived at 3pm and quite a number of the feedings sessions were done in the morning. We only managed to catch the feeding at the Jewels of the Jungle section and the feeding of Coatimundis.

Ben at KLCC Aquaria

Ben enjoying the sight!

Ben at KLCC Aquaria

Ben still enjoying the big aquarium!

Ben at KLCC Aquaria

Ben amazed at the big 'fish' in front of him...

Ben at KLCC Aquaria

Daddy showing Ben a shark which swims right above us

Ben at KLCC Aquaria

Ben gaping at the big arapaima...


Ben at KLCC Aquaria

Ben making friends with a boy on tour with his parents...

I'd like to highlight one incident which I'm not happy with during our visit there.

You see, when we arrived at the entrance, 2 staff huddled us to stand in front of this nice backdrop of Aquaria and took a photo of us. They said our photo will be ready by the time we exit the tour and that we can choose to buy (or not) the photo. As we are leaving the Aquaria, we saw our photo (not that impressive quality) and asked how much it is. We were told the price was RM30 (about USD9.70) for the 5R size with the frame (don't see any). We decided not to get the photo and I immediately saw one of the staff mumbling loudly "Don't want again..." while throwing away the photo into the dustbin next to her.

From the sound of that, it seems there are others like us who did not get the photo. What a total waste of paper and ink! If the photo was less than RM10 (about USD3+), we would've considered getting it but RM30 is just too much and bloody rip off! If only I could reach the dustbin which was over the counter at the staff side, I'd definitely grab the photo!

I personally think there should be more exhibits and stuff to be displayed around for the money I'm paying. If compared to the Waterworld I went to in Sydney with hubby few years ago, that was much more worth it! Overall it was a nice family outing, though the entrance fee is a bit steep. And I'm really disappointed with some of the staff there.

I'm a full-time mummy