Learning To Walk...

~ Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 12:47 AM ~

I stumbled upon this childhood picture of mine few weeks back...

Yeap, that's me alright... me with my fluffy yellow pom-poms hairband, standing in between my brother and my beloved mummy. This picture was taken at this gigantic football field in my mum's hometown. I can't remember much about this picture other than my mum brought us to the field and taught me how to walk.

Yeap... at that age (sorry can't recall how old I was in this picture), I am still not able to walk... hehehehe... traditional and pro-superstitions Chinese would rejoice at this slow milestone of mine cos they believe, the later a child learns to walk, the better their life would be in the future... Uh-huh...

I remember the bright sunny day and my cousins hanging around the football field with us, watching mum trying to get me to walk. Apparently, football field is a nice place for me to learn walking in case I fall down and the injury will be minimised (grass you see)

There's another picture which I can't find anymore, it shows mum's friend who was also present and trying to teach me to walk as well... hahah...

I can't remember much of the earlier childhood memories and I've tried asking my brother, no help there... This is one childhood memory that I will always treasure in my heart...

What about you? Any particular childhood memories that are very dear in your heart?