Winner for The Rattles Music CD

~ Posted on Monday, November 1, 2010 at 12:15 AM ~

About a month ago, I posted my review and giveaway for a copy of The Rattles music CD and it's now 12 minutes past midnight already, which means the giveaway is closed and I've already bugged my hubby to read all the comments submitted for the giveaway post and to choose the ONE and BEST comment to be the lucky winner.

Now, before I proceed, I've gotta explain a bit why I asked my hubby to choose instead of doing so myself...

#1: I know most of you guys who commented in the giveaway post, so I think it's fair that I get someone else who's totally stranger to all of you to decide which is the best comment as this person would most definitely not be swayed by any influence like friendship reason, and so on. Cos knowing me, I would've given the CD to each and every one of you, but so so so sorry, I only have ONE copy reserved for the lucky winner...

#2: Ehem... anything please blame my hubby muahahahahaha...

So without further ado, the lucky winner who's going to get The Rattles music CD for free is:

According to my hubby, the reason why the CD goes to mummy Pauline is: "Iggy likes music, and Pauline likes to give him something better".

So mummy Pauline, congratulations! Trust me, you will love the album!

I have just sent an email to you to get your further details! You have 48 hours to respond to my email before I pick another winner! As for the rest who participated in the giveaway, thank you for entering, better luck next time, OK? A note of thanks again to Nathalie from the Musebox for sponsoring a copy of this awesome music album to my lucky blog reader!