My name is Jenny. I quit my IT job of 9 years in June 2009 to work as a full-time stay-at-home mummy for a demanding and attention-seeking boss aka my son, Benjamin. I delivered Benjamin naturally (my only pain relief is the Enthonox), did our own DIY confinement, am very pro breastfeeding, exclusively breastfed him for the first 6 months (with very minimal water due to our hot weather here in Malaysia, but can say 95% pure breastmilk only), home made his solids, breastfed him right up until I entered my 2nd trimester in May 2011 as my breastmilk stopped coming, but that does not seem to deter him from continue on suckling. So, I ended up nursing him through my entire pregnancy.
On 2nd September 2011, we welcomed our 2nd child, Alyson who was also born naturally (no pain relief method). Again, we did our own DIY confinement, I exclusively breastfed her for the first 6 months without a drop of water and she has just started solids in late March 2012. I tandem nursed her and Benjamin for 1.5 years and breastfed Alyson throughout my 2nd pregnancy. Alyson self-weaned at 4 years old.
On 30th September 2013, we welcomed our 3rd child, Carolyn who was also born naturally, similar to our previous labors, confinement this round is also DIY and breastfeeding started right after birth. Colostrum was sighted immediately and upon returning home from hospital a day after, I started tandem nursing Alyson and Carolyn as well. Carolyn self-weaned at 3 years old.
On 4th November 2016, we welcomed our 4th child, Daryl who was also born naturally, and we were repeating the same method of DIY confinement practises, we are also into delayed cord clamping as well as breastfeeding immediately after birth. Colostrum was sighted hours after birth. I'm in the process to wean Daryl since mid Jan 2021 as he only comfort nurses for few minutes before he sleeps nowadays.
On 21st October 2018, we welcomed our 5th child, Ezra who was also born naturally and again, we were repeating the same method of DIY confinement practises, delayed cord clamping, tandem nursing with our 4th one as well though I'm gradually weaning our 4th child now.
As for the man of my life, I met my hubby back in 1998 as penpals, then we became friends and started dating a year later and almost 10 years down the road, we decided to get married. Sometime after, I got pregnant and delivered Ben and the rest, you can read from my blog posts when I get down to blogging about it... hahaha...
I hope you will enjoy reading my blog (as much as I do, yeah, I'm kinda vain... hehehe...) about my current full-time mummy life, product and book reviews, my previous working life and whatever issues and stuff I came across...
I'm very passionate with matters related to natural birth, breastfeeding (exclusive, during pregnancy, beyond 4 years, tandem beyond 2 years), hand expressing breastmilk, co-sleeping, placenta encapsulation, homemade baby foods, blogging, book, iPad app and product reviews and giveaways etc.
I have so far wrote some guest posts which you can find at:
* Authentic Parenting's website on breastfeeding Ben at "23 months and counting"
* Mumsgather's website on "How to Be Successful at Breastfeeding"
* Carnival of Natural Parenting blog hops
Btw, just wanted to add that I previously blogged on Blogspot at: http://imafulltimemummy.blogspot.com/.
On 27th June 2010, I moved out of Blogger into my own domain self-hosted blog. Everything you see on this blog here, from the layout to the blog buttons and images watermark are all done by myself (blog header done by a designer though), so please excuse my bad design if you find it repulsive or ugly (I have no experience or background in web or graphic designing) so I make do with designing all the images using MS Paint and Powerpoint applications. Dinosaur huh?
Anyway, I left all my previous posts in Blogger as it is and did not migrate it over to this new domain of mine cos:
* I wanted to start this new domain blog of mine fresh...
* All my personal pictures published in my old blog has been watermarked with http://imafulltimemummy.blogspot.com/ and might be confusing if I migrate it over to my own domain blog here.
* All the comments that were attached with the posts doesn't come with the avatars and looks really ugly when I previewed it on this new blog.
So, even though I left all those wonderful and memorable posts behind in Blogger, I might occassionally still be referencing to my old posts in http://imafulltimemummy.blogspot.com/, so I hope you guys will not get confused by it and I would also like to add a note that this new blog is best viewed with Firefox so apologies if my blog appears funny or weird when you are browsing through using IE or other web browser.
You can also reached me at my Facebook fan pages as well as on Twitter. Just click below to direct yourself to the links!
Till then, God bless you and hope you enjoy my blog as much as I do! :)