Recycling Old Calendars...

~ Posted on Friday, November 12, 2010 at 12:00 PM ~

Attention everyone!

Do not discard or throw away your old calendars! You can recycle it for something else! If you have a toddler or know of any friend/relatives with a toddler, let them know of this creative idea! 

You see, over a month ago when I had my personal workspace makeover, hubby gave me this old calendar when I told him I'm looking for something to put on the table underneath my in-tray so that my papers and stuff from the in-tray doesn't fall into the crack between my table and the wall (I reserved about half an inch space for the cables and wires) And today, I realised I should've removed the calendars and just retain the hardcover back of the calendar. So, I took out the whole calendar and tear away the calendar pages leaving the hardcover back.

As I was about to throw the calendar pages away, I realised the empty space between the calendar pages and I was like 'Hey.... so much space for Ben to draw on!' Currently, Ben uses this ledger book to draw on (I like it cos it keeps all his drawing in a book neatly)

And so, that's how I got the idea to recycle old calendars! Muahahahahah... Maybe other people would've long thought of this idea but hey, this is pretty much an awesome discovery for me!

Ben warming up to drawing on bigger paper...

Pausing to play with the oil pastel...

Pausing and showing mummy his artwork so far...

What do you think? Cool idea eh? What are you waiting for?!

Start looking for old calendars or start keeping the current ones so that your toddler can use for his drawing!