Cheddar Cheese Popovers

~ Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 12:22 AM ~

After quite a long search for a cheesy recipe, I finally decided to do this recipe which was adapted from, although it calls for the use of a popover pan, I substitute it with my new mini muffin pan which is so cute it felt like I'm playing cooking when I was a little girl heheheh.... Apologies as I didn't take the process pictures (busy rushing off the baking cos Ben is pretty fussy today). So anyway, this is my 1st attempt of making:


 PREPARATION TIME: Almost an hour, yields 12 mini cheese popovers & 5 in muffin cups

* About 10 minutes to prepare and mix batter
* 50 minutes for baking process

Ingredients / Tool Required:

* A bowl to mix ingredients in
* 2 eggs
* 1 cup water
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 1 cup all-purpose flour
(I used wheat flour)
* 1/4 cup shredded sharp Cheddar cheese, well packed
* Baking tray & mini muffin pans (can make 12 mini muffins)

What to Do?

* In a bowl, beat eggs, water, salt and flour until smooth, using a wire whisk (I don't have a wire whisk, I just use a knife hehehe). Blend in the cheese.
* Grease popover pans generously.
* Cut ham slice into squares and place in on each muffin holes
(I added ham slices into this recipe :D)
* Fill popover cups 2/3 full. (My mistake is my laziness to bake the extra batter in few batches.. instead I poured the rest into muffins cup)


* Pre-heat oven at 210℃ for about 5 minutes
* Bake at
210℃ for 15 minutes.
* Reduce heat to 180
. Bake 35 minutes longer.
* Remove from cups. Pierce a hole into the side of each popover to allow steam to escape to keep popovers crispy.
* Hold in warm oven no longer than 10 minutes before serving.


The yummy ones were baked using the mini muffin pans...

All the Cheddar cheese popovers...


* Test subject 1 (aka me): "Presentation OK... But I shouldn't be so lazy! Should've bake in few batches instead of pouring the excess batter into the muffin cups! Those made using mini muffin pans are delicious because of the right amount of batter but those in the muffin cups are failures!"

* Test subject 2 (aka Ben): "Ammm ammm ammm" (opening mouth big-big) - my son can gobbled up anything!

* Test subject 3 (aka hubby): "Super yummy! See! I told u to get the bigger mini muffin tray! U SEE, U SEE!!?? How now? Better get another 2-3 trays!!!"

* Test subject 4 (aka MIL): "Hey the smaller types are delicious. Can I get some more? But the ones in muffin cups are a bit watery - not nice. Next time you make, add some sugar!" (Err... this recipe is called cheese popovers? It's supposed to be salty?!)

So there you go.... my 1st Cheddar Cheese Popovers attempt! Overall, I'm happy with the little ones, but not the ones baked with muffin cups!  Apart from MIL's weird request for me to add sugar for the next attempt, I will definitely bake in few batches when I do this another time. No more laziness and trying to save some time. To view my other recipes, feel free to hop over to my Recipe Library page for more info!

Brought to you by: Mama Baker wannabe aka