My Workspace Makeover...

~ Posted on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 12:49 AM ~

I just had a makeover for my workspace! I totally forgot to take the pictures before and am lazy to search through my shared drive looking for the pictures with my previous workspace look.

So anyway, hubby helped me moved over one of our Ikea's bookcase so that there's more organised space for me to stuff in the on growing books (from my reviews) and Ben's books and toys.

Previously, the bookcase was right outside, next to our bathroom and Ben loves to crawl through the bottom 4 shelves - sort of like a tunnel. The bottom 4 shelves were empty because of Ben and with him growing taller everyday, the top 4 shelves are in danger of being emptied, so we decided to move the bookcase over to my working space so that I can still make use of the shelves.


The after look...

Bookcase now at the side wall, my working table shifted few feet to the right to make space to squeeze in the bookcase. I slapped on a cute little height chart sticker on the side to keep track of my little man's height.

Top 4 shelves are fully utilised to put office files (noticed hubby's business documents and filing right on top secured with 2 book ends),  some files in magazine boxes, my cooking books, Ben's books and coloring stuff, bibles and inspirational books.

Now, below is the front look of what's in the bookcase shelves... Potentially easy for Ben to grab things (his coloring stuff and books) are on the top shelf, while the not so often used items but will be use (one day!) are situated in the inner shelves.

I feel much more organised now though I'm still getting used to the new location of the stuff around the me on the table hehehe... but still, am so glad for the makeover! And of course,

No more Ben doing this...