Music Review - Time Is Now (Darius Lux)

~ Posted on Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 10:03 PM ~

Oh yeah again! It seems that even as a full-time mummy, I still get to review awesome music as well! Anywho, I was pleasantly surprised when David of Lafamos PR and Branding contacted me (I mean, seriously, ME??!) to do a music review for one of the artist he's working with now. So without further ado, here goes my review:

Darius Lux

Excerpts from Darius Lux's official bio:

"A multi-instrumentalist, a producer, and a performer came back as a free-thinker, a philosopher, and an inspirational lyricist. Combining his appreciation of 60s songwriting, 70s soul, 80s pop and 90s hip-hop into a current mix of soulful, rock-edged pop tunes, Darius Lux found his voice on his debut record “Arise”. He now takes us and his band to the streets of LA for his new EP, "Time is Now."

Darius' music is a statement describing how we can take control of our lives. “For each one of us, life can be full of different fears, but we have to remember that fear is a choice. When we decide we don’t want fear and we have chosen to believe in ourselves instead, we find that we begin to receive the things in life we’ve hoped for.” Darius is currently gigging in Southern California with his band and living his life against the grain - with every spirited note he plays; he urges us to do the same."

"Tah! Tah!" - these words immediately spewed out from Ben's mouth the moment we saw the picture of Darius Lux with a guitar next to him. You guys really have a way to make toddlers attracted to music nowadays huh?! Just kidding! Anyway, back to my feedback:

* ALBUM COVER - Love the guitar next to him, love the creative title with the clock (though I'd prefer it not to be too smudgy...) but do not like the side pose of Darius. His side pose made him look like an angry person. Maybe it was his eyebrows or sideburns or something. Undeterred, I dig more  in the world wide web, looking for more photos of him and voila! He is one good looking guy, they should really just consult me when coming up with the album cover do a full feature pose of him for the album cover, something like this:

Darius Lux
Droolworthy right?!
Darius Lux
Or something artistic like this?

* SONGS - I like the distinct and very clear guitar sounds in the album. The few particular songs that caught my attention and got me grooving along to it are "No Problem", "Best Day"  and "World Keeps On Turnin'". I really like the "Best Day" song, it started off with a really fast rock tune and had this awesome chorus.

There is also this part in the "World Keeps On Turnin'" song which is also meaningful:

Each day is a new chance
To make better choices
Switch off those voices - in your head
Don't be scared just dive in
Be glad you're alive and
You're right here right now...

In summary, I'd recommend this album for those who wants to groove along to some upbeat and catchy rock tunes.

You can get the album at

I would like to give a note of thanks to David & Amanda (for the password and lyrics) again for this wonderful opportunity to review this awesome album!

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the authorised password to download the 6-track EP album in MP3 format to assist my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.