What Have I Done?!

~ Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 9:15 AM ~

Note to self: This is a reminder and lesson for me to think before doing something to Ben in the future... even if it is originally meant as a joke... or to entertain Ben...

You see, one fine day in the car, Ben was playing with his craft work from Sunday school. It was this 'fish' made from a paper plate with round stickers on the 'fish body' which is meant to be the scales. Ben was getting fussy and I decided to peel off one of the stickers and stuck it on his hand. He smiled. And then I peeled another and stuck it on his face. And then he cheered up and all the fuss is forgotten.

Last week, during a trip to visit hubby's friend, Ben played with the 'fish' craftwork again...

and see what he does to himself...

(** Note: I have nothing to do with it cos I was busy laughing at what Ben did Tongue out)...

Sigh... Jenny, Jenny... Look at what you've done to Ben!

No more next time okay? Embarassed