Raining & Cruising!

~ Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 9:36 PM ~

It was raining yesterday afternoon, so I took the chance to enjoy the cooling air and nice rainy smell at the balcony with Ben.

I'm a full-time mummy

Ben enjoying the rain...

I'm a full-time mummy

Ben pointing at the rain...

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Legs thinner but longer now...

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He wants to play the air bubble!

I'm a full-time mummy

The view outside our balcony... I love that tree!

You can view this video of Ben saying the word "Bubble" when he was fiddling around with the air bubble bottle...

After the rain stopped, we got ready for our evening walk in the park but just as we were about to arrive at the park, it started to drizzle again and so we decided to head to one of the shopping malls near our place... yeap, we're all dressed for our evening walks and we coolly walk around in the mall in our exercise clothing... Hahahaha...

We went to Carrefour to buy some grocery stuff before going to this mini playground on the 2nd floor right outside Toys'R Us. And then we found Ben suddenly doing this:

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He just coolly hopped onto one of the kiddy rides.

It costs about 3 dollars (less than USD1) for a 5 minutes ride so we paid the attendant and got Ben to sit in one of the rides which came with a remote control. The other one is a pink car so we took the red one, strapped Ben with the safety belt and hubby controlled the car using the remote. The rest of the rides there do not have remote control so those are definitely no-nos.

I'm a full-time mummy

We were kinda surprised to see Ben enjoying and riding in the MOVING car as there are a few times he kinda got nervous sitting ALONE in a moving rides.

And this time, he is sitting in one ALONE and it moves ALL AROUND. So, I busily snap some pictures for you guys to see while hubby carefully manevured the car.

Feel free to watch the short video of Ben cruising in the posh car!

I'm a full-time mummy

Ben happily steered the steering all around - almost knocked into my shopping cart and entered into a shop nearby but luckily hubby took control of the car. After 5 minutes, we returned the car to the attendant and let Ben played at the mini playground.

It was a nice and leisure activity for the family, though I don't think we should do this often... 3 dollars for 5 minutes is OK once in a while but not often. And I'm really in awe with those people who created this kiddy rides.. it used to be those ugly rides (like some weird monster look alike creatures with no safety straps) which you sit on it and do nothing while it steers around by itself but now, they got more creative and comes out with all this cool kiddy rides that looks more like the real vehicles that people sit in...

Oh occassionally, Ben did go back near the kiddy rides area and pointed at the rides.

I'm a full-time mummy

Next time Ben, next time, OK?

I'm a full-time mummy

The Beauty of Co-Sleeping...

~ Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 1:12 AM ~

Ben co-sleeps with hubby and myself - even today, at 17 months plus...

(it's so convenient cos' I'm still breastfeeding Ben anyway!)

I'm a full-time mummy

Picture above of Ben (4 days old) sleeping next to his tired mummy...

We initially placed him in the baby crib but he nursed almost every 1-2 hours during the first week and I got real tired having to wake up, bend over, carried Ben out, nursed him, then put him back to the crib, and try to sleep again. You see, I'm a light sleeper so any slight sound or movement will make me awake...

One time when I was really really tired, I carried Ben out during one of his nursing time, lie on my side, placed Ben next to me and continue sleeping and he just nursed on. After that time, I repeated it again, and Ben continued nursing while he's asleep (I found out much later that it's called dream feeding) and so, the story of how we all ended up sleeping on the same bed begins...

Seeing this comic brings me smiles cos this is how it is when we all co-sleep at night... Of course, most of the time hubby ended up sleeping on the single bed which is right next to our King sized bed,all thanks to Benjamin who conquered most of the bed space!


Now, during the day time when Ben takes his nap, his sleeping styles are also a fun thing to watch!

Hahahah... Enjoy!

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I'm a full-time mummy

I'm a full-time mummy

I'm a full-time mummy

I'm a full-time mummy