Ben co-sleeps with hubby and myself - even today, at 17 months plus...
(it's so convenient cos' I'm still breastfeeding Ben anyway!)

Picture above of Ben (4 days old) sleeping next to his tired mummy...
We initially placed him in the baby crib but he nursed almost every 1-2 hours during the first week and I got real tired having to wake up, bend over, carried Ben out, nursed him, then put him back to the crib, and try to sleep again. You see, I'm a light sleeper so any slight sound or movement will make me awake...
One time when I was really really tired, I carried Ben out during one of his nursing time, lie on my side, placed Ben next to me and continue sleeping and he just nursed on. After that time, I repeated it again, and Ben continued nursing while he's asleep (I found out much later that it's called dream feeding) and so, the story of how we all ended up sleeping on the same bed begins...
Seeing this comic brings me smiles cos this is how it is when we all co-sleep at night... Of course, most of the time hubby ended up sleeping on the single bed which is right next to our King sized bed,all thanks to Benjamin who conquered most of the bed space!

Now, during the day time when Ben takes his nap, his sleeping styles are also a fun thing to watch!
Hahahah... Enjoy!