Pictures of meals are getting less since quite a number of the meals served to Ben have been featured in previous posts of toddler's meals. Continuing on with Ben's meals for July 25th to 31st...
25 July
Breakfast - Cheese + omelette (hubby cooked), a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - Egg noodle, choc milk UHT, mango pudding
Tea - Cornflakes
Dinner - Oats, cornflakes, honey dew, soya milk
Supper - choc rolls biscuits
Lunch for 25 July
26 July
Breakfast - Oats, cornlakes, Vitagen
Lunch - 1 slice of cheddar cheese, yogurt, choc roll biscuits
Dinner - UHT choc milk, oats crackers, tuna
Supper - Kaya balls, cornflakes
27 July
Breakfast - Oats, grapes, cornlakes, Vitagen
Lunch - Oatmeals with apricot biscuits, banana biscuit, UHT choc milk
Dinner - Steamboat
28 July
Breakfast - Oats, grapes, cornlakes, Vitagen
Lunch - Half sour cream bun, UHT strawberry milk, 2 pieces of oat biscuits with apricot flavor
Dinner - Rice, lotus soup, lotus, Japanese tofu
29 July
Breakfast - Grapes, choc UHT milk, some oats, some choc spread bread
Lunch - Tuna with crackers, a bottle of Vitagen, yogurt
Dinner - Soy sauce noodle with some lotus, honey dew, oats crackers
Lunch for 29 July...
30 July
Brunch - Cheese + omelette (hubby cooked), a bottle of Vitagen, choc UHT milk
Tea - Oat crackers, some choc doughnuts
Dinner - Sushi King ~ Salmon skin, tofu, boiled egg, crab sticks, edamame
31 July
Breakfast - Oats, grapes, cornlakes, Vitagen, some Peach Melba cake
Lunch - Half slice of bread with kaya & butter spread, mini choc bun, half oats crackers
Tea - Cheese omelette, a bottle of Vitagen, mango pudding, loads of grapes, oats crackers
Dinner - Mushroom, lemon chicken with some rice, jelly cake