Teaching My Child a Lesson Using a Curtain Tie...

~ Posted on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 8:35 AM ~

I was really tired yesterday entertaining my cheeky boy the whole day and by the time it was 5.30pm, Ben was still wide awake and refused to take his afternoon nap (normally he naps around 2-3pm for 2-3 hours).

At one point, he mischievously managed to pull out this leather tie string from our window railings (which originated from a handbag given by my SIL) that I used as a curtain tie.

So what does a really tired 8 months+ preggy mum gotta do?

She used the curtain tie to teach her toddler a lesson...

Now, now, before you go on thinking I used the curtain tie to punish him, please clear that thought off your mind. I may be tired (VERY!) and stressed out (mild) but I will not resort to things like this. What I meant by teaching him a lesson is...

You see, there are 8 little cute flower petals strung on the tie and since Ben refused to let me put it back onto our window railings, I decided to use it to teach him things like:

* Counting from 1 to 8 - as I pulled each petal across the curtain tie, I repeated the numbers 1 to 8, making sure he follows  and repeat my counting

* The concept of up and down - I pulled each petal up and down and repeated the directions up and down to him, and he followed what I showed him

* The concept of left and right - I pulled each petal across both ends and repeated the directions left and right to him, and he followed what I showed him

 Ben concentrating as he pulled the petal downwards...
 And saying the word 'Two' as he pulled the 2nd petal...

Who would've thought such a simple thing like a curtain tie could be educational as well huh? (and the extent to how weird a very tired preggy mum could come up with this idea! Hahahaha...)

And not to forget, it kept him busy and entertained for quite a while! Wooohoooo!

What other things have you used to teach your child a lesson?

"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million."
~ Walt Streightiff

Comments (9) -


Very creative and inventive!!

I've used spilled milk to draw pictures Smile


Most mommy will turn creative to keep their child occupied. Lego is another useful toy. My son can play for hours, those days. Colouring, tracing and find object in "find the object" books where there was a page filled with pictures and he was suppose to track certain object like treasure hunt. Guarantee to keep them busy for a while. Smile


What a wonderful teaching aid! Yes, being pregnant makes you more creative!

Catheryn @ PinkBibs

Very innovative!!

I am not pregnant but I get bored by the afternoon usually from entertaining my little girl.  What I do is, I will get her to bring to me the clothe pegs from the basket hanging in our drying yard aka balcony, in colors or quantity.  

Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy

Hey Aurie!
Thank you, thank you! A tired preggy mum gotta do whatever comes to mind! Tong Spilled milk to draw pictures? Wow... that's creative!

Hey Aries!
Oh yes, we've done the Mega Bloks (like Legos but bigger size) and other usual activities already, just that Ben was still hyper and refuses to take his nap on this particular day! Thanks for sharing your feedback!

Hey Germaine!
Hahah, agree agree!

Hey Catheryn!
Thank you, thank you! The cloth pegs idea is not bad! But we don't really use any cloth pegs.. hmmmm...

Mommy Psedornna

Let Ben busy counting with the wall sticker! My boy loves it! Counting on the stars, animals, flowers, fishes... My boy will keep repeating and found it is exciting. I just laid on the bed with my big belly. Hehehe...

Miki Chua

i normally count 1 to 10 going up and down the stairs.. just to programme  those number into his head but he can only say 2,3,4,5,8,10 right now. hahaha...

Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy

Hey Mommy Psedornna!
WHen I lie down on the bed, Ben will come to me for 'nen-nen' automatically!

Hey Miki!
Ben's counting starts at 6,7,8,9 and then repeated at 6,7,6,7,6,7... Tong

Mommy Psedornna

Opps... Then you must be tiring. Or maybe can start trying to count together with him without laying on the bed Tong... This really works for my boy, he can count by himself from 1-20 since his 2nd birthday.

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