Pictures of meals are getting less since quite a number of the meals served to Ben have been featured in previous posts of toddler's meals.
Also to note that Ben has been sick from the 6th July with very mild fever, cough (with phlegm still) and runny nose (started 9th July) so his meal choices has been somewhat bland and simple and I pretty much let him eats whatever he wants to (his appetite is not so good and has been insisting on dry suckling me this few days for comfort). I'm glad he drinks loads and loads of water during this week, and hope his sickness will go away soon...
Continuing on with Ben's meals for July 4th to 10th.
04 July
Breakfast - Half choc buns
Lunch - Wantan noodles with chicken, a cup of choc milk
Tea - yogurt, egg tart
Dinner - Rice, soup, carrot slices, mushrooms
4th July dinner - Rice, soup, carrot slices, mushrooms
05 July
Breakfast - Oats with carrots slices, cornflakes, a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - Egg tart, cornflakes
Tea - yogurt, cornflakes, strawberry wafer sticks
Dinner - soup, chicken, rice, carrots, egg
Breakfast for 5th July...
Dinner for 5th July... |
06 July
Breakfast - 1 slice of toasted pandan bread (with butter and kaya spread), a bottle of vitagen, some mushroom chicken soup
Lunch - steamed egg
Tea - yogurt, 2 slice of cheese
Dinner - Oats and cornflakes, diluted Ribena few sips (cough with phlegm causing discomfort in throat and vomitted out his dinner)
6th July breakfast...
07 July (mild fever, cough with phlegm)
Breakfast - Oats with cornflakes and a Milo
Lunch - Kaya bun
Tea - Tau sah bun (red bean bun)
Dinner - Few bites of cream bun, few bites of rice, some egg noodles
08 July (mild fever, cough with phlegm)
Breakfast - Oats with cornflakes, a bottle of vitagen
Lunch - Egg tart, a bottle of vitagen, few bites of roti canai
Dinner - Sushi King - rice, egg mayo, salmon skin, chawan mushi, chicken teriyaki (but vomitted out few hours later due to discomfort caused by cough)
09 July (no more fever, cough with phlegm)
Breakfast - Oats with grapes, a bottle of vitagen
Lunch - noodle abit, cornflakes
Dinner - half slice of bread (kaya and butter spread, grapes)
10 July (cough with phlegm, runny nose)
Breakfast - half cheese omelette, grapes
Lunch - Few sips of dragon fruit juice, rice, tofu, fish, spare ribs chunks
Dinner - A packet of Milo, some noodles, biscuits