Pictures of meals are getting less since quite a number of the meals served to Ben have been featured in previous posts of toddler's meals. Continuing on with Ben's meals for July 11th to 17th...
11 July
Brunch - Oats, grapes, cornflakes
Tea - Oat crackers, mango pudding, soya milk, an apple (I ate most of it whooppss...)
Dinner - Rice, egg, chicken, gravy, soya milk
11 July - Tea
11 July - Dinner |
12 July
Breakfast - Oats, grapes, cornflakes
Lunch - Yogurt, pork wanton
Tea - 1 boiled egg, half egg tart, crackers
Dinner - Some fries, half of a boiled egg
13 July
Breakfast - 1 piece of oats biscuit, Oats, grapes, cornflakes
Lunch - Egg and noodle with anchovy stock as soup
Tea - Yogurt
Dinner - Rice, carrots, tofu, 2 mango pudding
13 July ~ Lunch
14 July
Breakfast - Oats, grapes, cornflakes
Lunch - Cheese & omelette, mango pudding
Tea at 5.30pm - My homemade noodle with black sauce, a bottle of Vitagen
Dinner - Jelly, cheese baked rice, mushroom soup
14 July ~ Lunch
14 July ~ Tea |
15 July
Breakfast - Pancakes, grapes
Lunch - Some nasi lemak, 1 slice of Cheddar cheese, yogurt
Tea at 6.30pm - Durian jelly, cornflakes, a packet of choc UHT milk
Dinner - Oats, grapes, cornflakes
16 July
Breakfast - Cornflakes, a packet of Milo, a sponge cake
Lunch - Half blueberry cream bun, a bottle of Vitagen, some fried rice
Tea - Marigold jelly
Dinner - Rice, lotus soup with loads of lotus, 1 tube of Japanese tofu (very good appetite!)
17 July
Breakfast - Oats, grapes, cornflakes
Lunch - rice, lotus, durian jelly, barley drink, some cheesecake
Tea - A cup of Marigold mango jelly, a slice of Cheddar cheese
Dinner - Fishball, noodle, tofu, chocolate cake 1 slice, watermelon, banana (very good appetite!)
Btw, just an update on Ben's coughing. He's still coughing though not as bad anymore. I've reduced his medication (previously before every meal 3 times a day) to once a day. Hope he will get well soon!