Heaviest and yet the Lightest

~ Posted on Sunday, January 6, 2013 at 7:40 AM ~

When our 3rd kiddo was born on 30th September 2013, she was the heaviest among her siblings, weighing 3.02kg at birth compared to Benjamin who weighed at 2.73kg and Alyson weighed at 2.91kg. I think this may partly be due to the fact that I ate a lot more when I was pregnant with Carolyn - or put on the weight easily.

But then when we brought Carolyn to the paed for her overdue Hep B 2nd dose jab when she was 2.5 months old (btw, the jab was supposed to be taken at 1month old hahaha), Carolyn weighed 6.03kg.

Of course I cannot compare her siblings weights to hers as she was 2.5 months old when she had this weight.

At 3 months old, Benjamin weighed 6.9kg.

At 3 months old, Alyson weighed 6.7kg.

At 2.5 months old, Carolyn weighed 6.03kg

I think this may partly be due to the fact that with 3 kiddos now to take care, my breastmilk does not contain as much fat content compared to the previous 2 rounds. The fact that I have to care for 2 older kiddos (hyperactive all the time) and also a newborn that clings as much as she can to me at all times made me used up more fat in my body perhaps? I don't know. I heard this theory from my SIL who had 6 kiddos of her own.

So what do you think?

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

My Dream Table Setting For Christmas Dinners

~ Posted on Friday, December 14, 2012 at 7:11 AM ~

Christmas is coming soon! We were just at IKEA few weeks ago, scouting for ideas of corporate gifts to be given to hubby's clients this year and the first thing that greeted us as we stepped into IKEA was the beautiful selection of dining sets and to be honest, I think the ideas this year is very creative and Christmas-sy!

Anyway it was such a pleasant surprise few days later as I was given an Ikea gift card to shop for whatever items in Ikea that could best fulfill my dream! I would also say that God hears my prayers as He sent my best buddy and her boyfriend to fetch me and my 2 kiddos to Ikea one fine day (I've been waiting for hubby to be free but he was really really really tied up with his work since early December)

We went to Ikea about 2pm and shopped around, looking for ideas and from then on, it was quite fast for me to come up with what I wanted: plates, bowls, glasses, cutleries. I was quite nervous when I had to choose the dinnerware as I was worried I have to follow the proper etiquette but then after discussing my worries with my buddy, we decided this is how we have our meals so I should do what I feel comfortable with, not for the sake of writing a review to please others but to write a review which is honest and from my heart and one that I am comfortable with.

So back to my review, I got on to choosing the plate and bowls in matching designs and colors. And then I decided to get a similar color paper napkin and glasses and a simple cutlery set.

Here's the pictures of what I got from Ikea:

# 1: FÄRGRIK VÄLDIG Plate, white, lilac

# 2: FÄRGRIK VÄLDIG Bowl, white, dark lilac

# 3: FÖRNUFT 24-piece cutlery set, stainless steel

# 4: SKOJA Glass, lilac

# 5: LÄGLIG Paper napkin, assorted patterns

I was trying so so so hard to locate the Smaska cutlery and tableware set (for my 2 kiddos) but I just could not find any of it, except a few which are demo units. In addition, I was also disappointed as I cannot get hold of the ORDENTLIG Place mat lilac which I feel would totally goes well with my selected items... Arghhhh!!

Anywhooooo, I've got to make do with what I can for now and ladies and gentlemen, here's how they all looked like after a little sweet and homey touch-up by yours truly... ehem, ehem... tadaaaaaaaaa!!


Top and front view of the 4 person setup...


Now please excuse me if I arranged the cutleries wrongly as we don't have formal settings in how to arrange our fork, spoon and knife and we are usually the plate and bowl type of family so, you will not see the usual deep plate, server plate, etc etc... You know, the complete proper dinnerware setup. A quick check on Wikipedia got me more confused as there are so many different ways to arrange your cutlery! Anyway, I hope the way I arranged them is correct...


My arrangement: Plate layered with a piece of paper napkin followed with a bowl and top with another rolled and curled paper napkin in the center for decoration. Matching Skoja glass accompanying each dinnerware followed by 4 piece cutlery set arranged neatly around the plate. This is the front view of one of the dinnerware set against our wall...


I hope you guys enjoy my dream table setting for Christmas dinners! I love what I got and hope that my guests will too!

Thank you Ikea for making my dreams come true!!!

I'm a full-time mummy

You can browse for more selections at Ikea's website. 

I'm a full-time mummy

I was provided with an Ikea gift card in order to facilitate my review for this post. However, all opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.