Angpow Story - Bicycle

~ Posted on Friday, May 22, 2015 at 6:06 AM ~

I have been sharing some of my favorite angpow pieces on an angpow collectors group in Facebook and some members have been telling me to continue sharing my memorable stories and so I thought, why not write it down, that way, our kiddos can read about it when they grow up next time, eh?

For those of you who are not familiar or never heard of the words 'Angpow' (also known as 'ang pau', 'ang pao', 'angpau'), here is a quick definition:

Angpow = Red Packet (filled with cash inside) given during festivals

So for my first angpow story, it comes from this lovely piece of angpow:

Angpow Story

The first thing that caught my eye when I saw this angpow is the bicycle.

First time I learned to ride a bicycle, it looks something like the bicycle in the picture, but black color which was from my grandpa/grandma time. I can't sit on the bicycle as I was very young (like 8-9 yrs old and the bicycle was really huge and high) so I just stood up and cycled and once it started going I was so happy, until I realized I don't know how to brake.

I almost crashed into one of those Chinese altars on the ground when I finally figured out how to brake LOL. This incident is very vivid in my mind because as I crash brake on the spot few inches away from the Chinese altar, I rammed my crotch onto the metal rim on the bicycle because I was standing up while cycling and as I slammed to brake the bicycle, I had no choice and do not know how to balance myself while figuring out how to brake, I put my 2 legs down and stepped on the ground to stop the bicycle and hence, ramming my crotch. Very very very painful!

Of course, after the pain subsides and getting my first lesson in bicycle riding, I went on to have loads of memorable experiences riding the bicycle around my village with my cousins! What a sweet childhood memories!


** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

Sharing - 9th Graders' Anonymous Sex Ed Questions

~ Posted on Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 5:41 AM ~

A few years ago, I wrote a post about "Willy and Down Part OR Penis and Vagina?" where I touched on the importance of teaching our children the correct and right naming for their body parts (better still, to talk and teach them yourself rather than leaving this task for others to do). Some commentators were saying that my then 4 years old boy is too young to be knowing this and being taught about this. To be honest, I was shocked to read comments like these... thank God for the many commentators who supported and agreed on this approach.

Now fast forward 2 years on from that post, I just want to share an article that I came across with. It was shared by a teacher who asked her/his 9th grade students to anonymously submit sex questions. The teacher shared some of the questions posed throughout 3 years.

For your convenience, I have copied some of the excerpts from the article here:

Sex Ed Questions

Sex Ed Questions

Sex Ed Questions

Sex Ed Questions

Sex Ed Questions


I think it is good for the teacher to do this to test the knowledge level of her/his students. Doing this anonymously will remove the shyness in some students in approaching topics like this and yet still allow the teacher and/or parents to be aware and do something proactive in educating their students/children about it.

On another hand, it's quite worrisome to read some of the questions raised, maybe it's just me but there are some questions which I myself after reading it, am still wondering what it meant and how do they know such things? Well, it just goes to show that children no matter what age they are of, can easily come across information like this and it is only right that we as the parents especially, to be concerned and make sure our children is getting the correct information and knowing the right and wrong choices to make.

Do share your thoughts on this!

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

Red Beans With Eggs

~ Posted on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 6:39 AM ~

For this post, I am sharing my next food recipe, Red Beans With Eggs (in Cantonese, we called this 'Yin Dao Dan'). I remembered during my younger years, my late mum used to cook this dish for us often. I would pretty much try to skip the beans and whacked all the eggs if possible hahahaha. But now that I'm married and have kiddos, this is my lazy last minute need-to-cook-something-without-meat-dish for the family hahahah... Without further ado, here is the recipe for Red Beans With Eggs:

* A can of red beans
 * Eggs (quantity up to you, I usually use 2 medium sized eggs)
 * Water (about 2-3 tbsp) 
* Sugar (about 1tbsp)
* Tomato sauce (about 1tbsp)
* Oil - for frying the eggs (quantity up to you but for 2 eggs, I use about 1tbsp of oil)

* Heat up oil in pan. Meanwhile mix water, sugar and tomato sauce together in a small bowl.
* Fry the eggs until almost set, scrambled it up.
* Pour beans out of can into pan.
* Pour the water, sugar and tomato sauce mix into pan.
* Continue frying for about 2-3 minutes
* Ready to serve



Red Beans With Eggs

To view my other recipes, feel free to hop over to my Recipe Library page for more info!