Ermm... Life's a Beach?

~ Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 12:18 PM ~

It has been quite a while since I participated in Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop, and when I get this week's prompt, I just had to join in since I just had my most recent trip to the beach not too long ago! And so, this week's prompt that I'm choosing is:

Mama’s Losin’ It

"3.) Photo Story:
Share photos of your most recent trip to the beach
(maybe an excuse to go!)."

We went for a short 3D 2N family outing to the north of Peninsular Malaysia (aka Penang) and our hotel is just right in front of the beach! How nice! Although I spent most of the time lounging on the beach chair (I was 5 months pregnant then btw), I do enjoy snapping pictures of my hubby and my 2 year old boy having a fun time on the beach.

Ben helping out with the sand castle building...
Ben: "What was I supposed to do again?"

Like I mentioned earlier, I spent most of the time lounging on the beach chair... and since nobody is taking MY picture and I'm sort of a paranoid when it comes to showing my face on the World Wide Web, I decided to snap my relaxed feet instead...

Me: "Ahhh... I could get used to life like this..."

The sun setting while we were packing up to return to our hotel room on day 2...

Me with Spicy Baby in my preggy bump...

See... even Ben seems to enjoy the beach chair like mummy too!

Thanks for reading my post and hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I do!