The Adventures Of My Terrific 2 Years Old: Torchlight

~ Posted on Monday, May 23, 2011 at 8:47 AM ~

He found one of our emergency torchlight and it automatically became his latest toy... and also some sort of puzzle toy thingy which so far I had the privilege of fixing and solving the 'puzzle' TWICE now... The first time it happened, he just sat there staring at all the dismantled parts going 'Uh-oh, uh-oh, mummy fix! Mummy fix!' while I had to figure out how to put it back.

And this time, no matter how tight I screwed the torchlight shut, he still managed to dismantle everything! But at least, this time around, he had the initiative to try fixing it himself first... but still, I had to help him out in the end. Maybe the next round, I could expect more fixing from him hehehehe...

No Ben... the ambulance can't help you put it back!

Ben trying to fix back the torchlight puzzle...

Flashing mummy his cutesy look to gain sympathy...

And after mummy fixed everything back, he happily shines it at mummy...
You're welcome darling! Mummy knows, she's the star!


Welcome to Ben's Terrific Two stage! Cool