Pregnancy at month 6...

~ Posted on Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 8:56 AM ~

Alrighteyyyy, we are cruising into the 6th month of my pregnancy now! Updates for this month since my previous status updates in pregnancy at month 5 are as follow:

#1: This baby is STILL a SPICY BABY!

Image taken from Google search

I'm still wolfing down spicy food at month number 6 though lately I've also been eating more sweet stuff... like chocolates, cakes, doughnuts and stuff...

#2: Weight Gain

Image taken from Google search

I have gained 3 extra kg for this month, making it to 52kg now. Even the doctor said this the first thing when he looked at my current stats compared to previous month stats, but then he went 'Hmm... still OK, we will continue to monitor'. Uh-huh... I think I should slow down the weight gain as I remembered when I was pregnant with Ben, my 2nd gynae advised us that in order to have a natural birth, I should maintain my weight gain to less than 56kg (or maximum 11kg from my pre-pregnancy weight)

#3: Gynae check-ups

We're still continuing on our check-ups at the hospital where I gave birth to Ben 2 years ago. During this round of check-up, we tried out the 4D ultrasound machine again and still, I am not able to see with my own eyes the gender of Spicy Baby. He or she is always on his/her sides and closing legs... what is there to see? Though again, the doctor and hubby repeated their own predictions, I still choose NOT to believe them until I see with my own eyes... so ladies and gentlemen... gender = unknown yet... Spicy Baby's weight as of now: 576gms which doc said it's normal range.

Image taken from Google search

Also, I will need to go for glucose test in the next check up, it was a routine thing according to the doctor for pregnant woman at her 7th month to do. We are planning to take the test at our family doctor instead of at the hospital as I need to wait about 2 hours to take the blood test. The routine goes something like this:

* Midnight (the day before) until 8am the next day = Fasting, can only take plain water
* 8am = Go to family doctor and take blood test (before), then drink the glucose solutions given by doctor
* 8am - 10am = Fasting again, can only take plain water
* 10am = Go to family doctor again and take blood test (after)

#4: Breastfeeding during pregnancy

I mentioned in the previous month update that I think my breastmilk production has been reduced to almost nothing. If not mistaken when I was about 21 weeks pregnant, my BM has stopped but Ben is still suckling like nothing changes. But I can tell he's doing so for comfort nursing  as he only suckles me when he's about to go for his daytime nap and bedtime at night (each time around 10 minutes to half hour duration - depending how playful he is) But these few days lately I have noticed little signs of my BM coming back.

Image taken from Google search

So yeah, I do hope that we can go for tandem nursing when the baby is born. And I hope that I could make tandem nursing works!

#5: My itchy belly?

Image taken from Google search

My very itchy belly during month 5 has tapered down, thanks to my ermm... quite irregular use of J&J baby oil. Sometimes I forgot to apply it after I took my bath but nowadays, I make an effort to do my best to remember to apply it. So, I'm happy to report that itchy tummy is not that itchy anymore!

(*** NEW!) #6: Childbirth Fears

Image taken from Google search

New thing to report this month... I've been reliving memories of giving birth to Ben, I can actually think back the contractions and labor pains moments before I pushed Ben out of me... whoaaaa... I wonder how will it be like with Spicy Baby?

Of course with Ben, I didn't even know my contractions started already until I was on the way to the hospital (was supposed to admit myself to be induced due to low amniotic fluid) and counting from 1cm (midnight) to 10cm, it took me 4.5 hours to get Ben out. I was wheeled into the labor room at 2am+ (was at 4cm  then) and by 4.30am, Ben was out!

And it doesn't help with people around telling me that subsequent births will be wayyyyyyyyyyyy faster... gulp... of course, I do want my delivery to be fast and over as soon as possible but I am kinda paranoid of ermm.. giving birth in the car on the way to the hospital?

So, question to mums with more than 1 child:

Can you share your experience of giving birth to your second (and subsequent if any) child? Like was it much more painful? Longer? Faster? More painful than the previous one? Anything?

So there you go, updates as at 6 months pregnancy... have a blessed week and thank you for reading!