Music Review - Laura Warshauer's "To Will and Kate, Meet Me at Exit 109"

~ Posted on Friday, April 29, 2011 at 9:09 AM ~

OK, I know the song title is a bit mouthful but do take a listen to this latest single from Laura Warshauer entitled "To Will and Kate, Meet Me at Exit 109". And while we are on this topic, I would like to congratulate the happy royal couple and wish them the best of happiness in their journey together!

(Image taken from Google search)

Anyway, back to this review... I received the press release on this upcoming single and decided to take a listen to it and found that it is quite a catchy song and her voice is sultry and throaty and dreamy at the same time, nice voice!

More info from the press release I received:

"New Jersey songstress Laura Warshauer will be releasing her tribute single dedicated to the royal couple, Will and Kate.   Laura met her classmates Will and Kate during her freshman year at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.  Inspired by her experiences there, and while reflecting on her lifelong journey as a singer-songwriter growing up in New Jersey, she felt compelled to write this moving song. 

Laura elaborated, “When I heard the amazing news of Will and Kate’s engagement, I remembered those Sunday night lasagna dinners we all had freshman year at [St. Salvator’s Hall] and was looking through photos [and] scrapbooks from that year. The memories inspired this song.”  The song will be featured in the upcoming PEOPLE Magazine and website.

Produced by Thom Panunzio (Stevie Nicks, Bruce Springsteen), “To Will and Kate, Meet Me at Exit 109” will be available on iTunes in digital format and CD format by the end of April 2011.  The song will also serve as a bonus track featured on her upcoming full-length indie debut, The Pink Chariot Mixtape (Spring/Summer 2011).

Armed with an empowered musical style reminiscent of Stevie Nicks, Laura is poised to become a defining voice in the next wave of independent singer-songwriters/female rockers.  Stay tuned for more details regarding The Pink Chariot Mixtape and tour dates."

Like I mentioned earlier in the first paragraph, I find that this is quite a catchy song and Laura's voice is sultry and throaty and dreamy at the same time and I find myself keep repeating the song! It is just so so catchy!

You can watch the video below which includes photos of the royal couple that Laura took when she was a fellow student with them at St. Andrews College in Scotland! It's a touching story from when they first met and see if you don't agree with what I think of the song:

**Note: Laura Warshauer - "To Will and Kate, Meet Me at Exit 109" performance/photo montage from Scott Ross on Vimeo.

You can browse through her songs in Amazon website.

I would like to give a note of thanks to Gemma from The Musebox for this wonderful opportunity to review this great single! Also, I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the link to listen to the single to assist with my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.