I am a bad mummy...

~ Posted on Friday, July 23, 2010 at 12:40 AM ~

We were out earlier today for a short trip for tea time and went to the supermarket to look for vegetables for Ben. I was pushing Ben in the shopping cart (I let him walk around in the shopping cart when he's well behaved). I parked the cart right in the middle of the quite cramp aisle (not many people around that day) so that Ben is not able to grab or mess up any of the products at either sides of the aisles.

Just when I was squatting down to take a closer look at one of the fish sauce bottle, I glanced back at Ben, saw him at the other end of the shopping cart (not the sitting side) bending over to touch or look at something and then he just toppled over and fell on the floor.

My heart just stopped right there and then. I screamed out his name, dumped the sauce bottle one side and rushed over to his side. He was lying on his back, shocked at what happened and then he started crying when hubby rushed over (when he heard my screaming I guess). Hubby carried Ben up and immediately we comforted him, while I touched around the back of his hand, trying to see whether he got hurt anywhere or whether there's any bumps or scratches or swelling or not.

After a few seconds, Ben quiets down and we decided to leave the supermarket. On the way back home in the car, Ben was back to his usual chirpy and noisy self, rummaging around for stuff to play and I keep touching his head, back and all... So so worried he might have hurt himself and not able to tell us that...

Sigh... what a bad and careless mummy to allow this to happen to Ben...

Frown And no more allowing Ben to walk around in the shopping cart now...