Wordless Wednesday (Ben On A Swing)

~ Posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 10:15 AM ~

All by himself... Cool

Giveaway - A Set of Label Daddy's "School Pack" labels

~ Posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 12:18 AM ~

I had earlier posted up my product review on the awesome Label Daddy's labels and had mentioned that I'm in the midst of finalising the details for a giveaway on a set of "School Pack" labels to one of my lucky blog reader, so here it is!!!

One of you guys is going to win this:

The "School Pack" set has a total of 7 sizes -

A total of 132 labels plus 4 zipper tags which is worth $40.00 (USD)!

Yeap! You read that right! The "School Pack" includes:

1 Bag Tag, 45 Extra Small size labels, 30 Small size labels, 20 Medium size labels, 10 Large size labels, 18 Mini shoe labels, 8 Shoe labels and 4 Zipper Tags!

And ONE of you guys are going to get it delivered to you FREE OF CHARGE!!

Yes, yes, you love me, I know, I know! 

Now, just in case you missed my previous post on my product review for this awesome awesome labels, I'm reposting my feedback portion here:

I received the product real fast, I was not even expecting it to arrive so fast (normally those products that I get to review from US took about 3-4 weeks to arrive!) and the moment I saw the packaging, my eyes practically lit up! Isn't that the cutest packaging ever?!

You have no idea how hard it is for me to contain my excitement from ripping the packaging apart to see what's inside! I had to quickly rushed upstairs, grabbed my digital camera and quickly and steadily snapped the first few shots of the packaging before I open up the packaging! And what fell out were these awesome stuff!

A total of 4 packets of labels with the name of Benjamin and David (that's my hubby!), each design were individually packed in a vacuum sealed plastic bag! There's only 1 packet of label under my hubby's name, that is because I earlier asked Label Daddy whether I could request for a design under hubby's name and without any further question, they really did send me what I asked for! Awesome! 

Btw, they have a variety of label designs and colors to choose from, but as I really don't want to be too demanding, I did not request anything fancy other than asking whether I can have a set of the labels under hubby's name. Anyway, I quickly read the instructions which was printed behind each of the plastic bag on how to apply the labels.

Now, I'm already planning that I'm going to stick the labels to hubby's working shirts and pants and suddenly Ben snatched the labels and proceeded to investigate them... I let him investigate for a while more before I proceed to start sticking the labels with hubby's name to his working shirts and khakis.


I look for a shirt which hubby often wears to work and I proceeded to peel one of the label, ensure that the surface is clean and dry and started applying pressure to the label as I stick it onto the shirt's label.

Once it's applied completely, I tried to bend the shirt label at ALL directions. Just to see whether the Label Daddy's label is going to peel open or not. I fold to the left and the label stays on. I even tried flicking the label edges and it stays on! Good, good!

Then I fold from the top, even halfway and it remains where it should be. The Label Daddy edges are so strong that it doesn't peel open.

I stuck another one onto hubby's khakis that he just wore and is about to be send for washing...


The label on hubby's working shirt stays on even after wash! Ok, guess those guys at Label Daddy are true to their word! It's machine washable!

I actually tried peeling and folding the label on another shirt that I tested on (after wash) and they still stay strong!

However, sad to report that the label I stuck onto hubby's khakis came off after the wash. I just peeled it and it came out easily. Am not sure whether the material is not compatible with the khaki's label or that the khaki's label was a bit damp when I styck the label on.

* Note: After browsing through Label Daddy's website, I found out that I'm supposed to wait 24 hours before washing the clothing labels! Yikes! My bad!! But I wished this instruction was printed at the back of the sealed plastic bag as well...


I ain't going to stop the test at washing and drying. I wondered whether the label is going to be able to withstand heat, and I waited a few more days to collect more speciments (ehem I don't do my ironing everyday, normally I waited until there's a big pile of clothes before I proceed to do my ironing!) in order to perform this last and crucial test - The Ironing test!And the label remains unscathed!
Look at me having a go at ironing the label! I actually placed the iron and left it on the label for about 10 seconds.

Here's another shirt I ironed.

Here's me showing you guys what temperature I'm using to iron the shirt and test the label... In case you can't see clearly, the maximum is at level 6, and I'm using 5 for my ironing.


Other than the one label on hubby's khakis that came off after machine wash, the rest of the labels remains strong to this day.

As for Ben's name label, I stuck a few on his glass cointainer which I always used to store his food prior to going out. Because I homemade and homecook all Ben's food, I will cook his oats real hot, poured it into the glass container and serve it to Ben during his meal time whenever we are out. So far, the labels remain where they were stuck at and did not peel off after washing and scrubbing.

What I like about the Label Daddy's labels?

* Very easy to apply onto the clothings.

* Prompt & very friendly customer service and very cute packaging!

* Its machine washable and withstands heat from ironing!

* Looks so awesome and lots of trendy designs to choose from, which makes it very unique and eye catching! (Darn it! I should've choose mine!)

* Eligibility: OPEN WORLDWIDE!

* Giveaway expires on 15th August 2010

* You must fulfill the mandatory entry 1st (which is to provide your valid email address & answering the question), else you will be disqualified.

* Winner will be randomly drawn using Random.org and will have 48 hours to respond to  my email notification or a new winner will be drawn.

* Winner will have the choice to whatever design they want on the labels (including their great Disney designs!)

* Winner will receive their prize sent directly by Label Daddy.

To enter the giveaway, kindly click at the link shown below and the entry form will appear in a new window:

* Label Daddy Giveaway Entry Form *

(link has been removed after giveaway ended)

It'd be great if you could leave me a comment once you have submitted your entry so that I can check and ensure it's safely tracked into my database.

Look at how cute these zipper tags were!

So what are you waiting for?!! Hurry up!

You have 1 month time from now to join in the fun and try your luck!

I did mentioned its OPEN WORLDWIDE right??

Sigh... I am so super jealous of you guys cos the giveaway prize is totally awesome!