Giveaway - Alternative ABCs

~ Posted on Friday, July 2, 2010 at 2:35 PM ~

I had previously post up my product review on the awesome "Alternative ABCs" and had mentioned in the "Where to Get It?" section that I am in the midst of liaising with AMMO Books for a giveaway copy of the awesome board book to one of you guys and YES! YES! YES! YES!

I have finally received the green light to do the giveaway after working out the details for the giveaway.

Yes, I am not kidding you!

A copy of the above will be shipped directly to you FREE OF CHARGE!

Awesome right? I get so excited at the opportunity of being able to host giveaway like this cos it really feels nice rewarding my blog readers for following my blog! So without further adieu, here goes the details of the giveaways:

* Eligibility: Open worldwide!
* Giveaway expires on 31st July 2010
* You must fulfill the mandatory entry 1st (which is to answer the question), else you will be disqualified.
* Winner will be randomly drawn using and will have 48 hours to respond to  my email notification or a new winner will be drawn.

* Winner will receive their prize sent directly by AMMO Books.

Go to the AMMO Books website (, come back here and leave a comment telling me what the letter P stands for. Remember to leave your email address in the same comment so that I can contact you if you win!

Need to increase your chance of winning? Once you got the above mandatory question right, the following optional entries  (you can choose either one or all) will help increase your chances of winning. Please remember to leave a separate comments for each of the optional entries! So here goes:

* My Blog Follower on Google Friend Connect (1 entry)

* Follow Me on Twitter - Leave your @username (1 entry)

* Grab my blog button, let me know your blog URL so that I can check it out (1 entry)

* Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link (1 entry)

* Leave a suggestion on what other alphabet themes you think would be good to have (1 entry)

So hurry up! I did mentioned the giveaway is open worldwide right??

Remember, if you complete the mandatory and ALL the optional entries, you have a total of 6 comment entries entitled for this giveaway to up your winning chances!

Go on and enter the giveaway right now so that your child can be like Ben, so intrigued with the awesome board book! (I mean, how often you get to see an alternative book for teaching ABCs to your child?!)

Product Review - Alternative ABCs

~ Posted on Friday, July 2, 2010 at 4:23 AM ~

The product I'll be reviewing this time is:

Yeap! A board book by the title of “Alternative ABCs”!  I  have  been  given  this wonderful opportunity to review this board book through the Business2Blogger program and the contact person, Ms. Sara DeGonia is a wonderful person to work with! She has been providing me updates and help all the way from the point I submit my request for the book review until the book was delivered safe to my hand half way across the globe!

(Excerpts from the website): 
This “
Alternative ABCs” board book features original, colorful, and graphic illustrations and typography by Southern California based designers Eric Ruffing and Dave Parmley of 13THFLOOR. 

Aesthetically borrowing from street, surf, skate, and music subcultures, the custom design and typography beautifully spell out this unique alphabet. From Calligraffiti to Pin-Striping, and from Goth to Punk, this little book crosses genres and is sure to create a buzz.  Further details of the board book:

* ISBN: 9781934429396, Dimension: 6 x 6 inches and number of pages: 56 pages

The moment I read about the opportunity to review this book (without even seeing the pictures of it!) I was hooked!  I mean, how often you get to see something other than the normal A for Apple, B for Ball, C for Cat type of board books?!! I’m not sure about you but this is the first time I read about this concept! Just look at the pictures of Ben below enjoying the book when it arrives!

The book also instils a sense of responsibility in us, as you can see, R is for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! How uber cool is that?! 

Ben flipping to the next alphabet for more!

Picture above of Ben, obviously intrigued with the vibrant colors used!

What I like about this board book?

* A different concept towards getting your child to learn alphabets

* Vibrant colors used for each alphabet which attracts and caught your attention

* Creative illustrations used where some of them actually helps instil preservations and love towards environment and our planet earth!

* The thickness of each page is just right (flimsy and thin books always get chewed by Ben and doesn’t last more than 1 week)

* The dimension of the board book is also just nice, not too big that I get tired holding them for Ben or too big for Ben to carry around. 

You can go to  to order a copy.

Similarly, you can also order from Amazon by clicking at this link: Alternative ABCs (Chunky Edition)

*** Btw, I am in the midst of liaising with AMMO Books for a giveaway copy to one of my lucky blog reader (yup! Could be YOU!!), so watch out for this OK?

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with a free product by AMMO Books in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.