I had recently started to teach our 4 year old girl how to write number 1. She has been nagging me to include her whenever she sees her 6.5 year old big brother doing his kindy schoolwork.
I am not a big fan of buying workbooks as I feel it is wasting money to just have our kiddos to scribble and write on it. Of course you can always make a photocopy or laminate the worksheets but I was too lazy for that and also some worksheets found in the workbooks that I have seen are just too simple or too advance for her age, so I ended up scouring through the Internet and customizing some or at least, looked for some that is as close as it can be to meet my expectations.
Anyway, I gave her the 1st worksheet on 17th Sept 2015. I started off by explaining to her number 1 and how to write the number 1. Her grip is not there yet, as you can see from the pictures, she grasped the whole pencil instead but I wouldn't worry much about this at her age now.
The first worksheet was a combination of few samples I've seen online. It shows the number 1, how to write it out with some dotted lines to guide her. I also added in a clip art on how to show the number 1 with our fingers, followed by the word 'ONE' and 'one' in both uppercase and lowercase. The last portion was for her to practise writing number 1 again based on the number of objects shown.

I gave her the 2nd worksheet on 23rd Sept 2015. This worksheet was taken from the Mathseed website. The objective is for her to identify which picture has 1 object and to draw the line to link the correct object count to the number 1. The second portion was for her to identify which picture has 1 object and to circle the correct count. I'm happy to see our 4 year old girl able to circle better this time round and she didn't even wait for me to finish explaining to her which fruits has 1 count only.

And since she is able to finish the above worksheet fast, I gave her another one. This time is for letter A/a recognition. This is her 2nd lesson as I have previously taught her to write the letter a (upper and lowercase) I got this worksheet from preschoolmom website. What she did in this worksheet is to practise writing the letter A and a following the guided dotted lines. Then to color in and draw the object that starts with the letter a (in this sample is alligator) At the bottom left, she was able to circle the letter A/a that she can find in the box without my help at all. The bottom practise is to just fill the missing letter, which is A.

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