I had started to teach our 4 year old girl how to write number 1 in late September 2015. She has been nagging me to include her whenever she sees her 6.5 year old big brother doing his kindy schoolwork.
In early November, I started her on number 2. In between we do other activities and once I feel she's comfortable with writing number 1 and letter A/a, we moved to the next level.
I am not a big fan of buying workbooks as I feel it is wasting money to just have our kiddos to scribble and write on it. Of course you can always make a photocopy or laminate the worksheets but I was too lazy for that and also some worksheets found in the workbooks that I have seen are just too simple or too advance for her age, so I ended up scouring through the Internet and customizing some or at least, looked for some that is as close as it can be to meet my expectations.
I started off by explaining to her number 2 and how to write the number 2. What I said to her as we draw the number 2 was 'Climb up a bit, oh no, we're falling! Go inside! Phewww... okay come outside!'

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