One of my Facebook follower asked me to blog about how I prepare the solids for my girl when I posted pictures of my kids' meals on my Facebook page. So here it goes:
** Personal Note: Amount of carrots to use depends on how much you want to store and for how long. For this tutorial, I only used 1 carrot and it lasted for about 3 days (as this was the first vegetable puree I'm introducing to my girl, I don't want to go overboard, hence I'm starting off with small amount first)

** Personal Note: I used a metal container with cover when steaming because ermm.. I don't want to use plastic stuff especially when heat is involved? I steamed for about 15-20 minutes (tried once steaming for 10 minutes and the carrots are still hard on the inside) I usually use the fork/chopstick test to determine whether the carrots are done by poking the fork/chopstick through. It's ready if they can go through.

** Personal Note: I used this small blender (Korean brand called Shimono) which I love and used since Ben started his solids years ago! Just dump in all the steamed carrots, together with the water from the metal container (from the steamed carrots) and blend until your desired consistency and texture. With a spoon, scoop out the puree and store into ice cube trays, freeze them. After they are frozen, I took the frozen puree out and stored them ito a smaller plastic bag to save space in the freezer.

Hope the above tutorial helps! Feel free to ask questions or share your feedback/experiences!