I steamed a carrot yesterday, sliced off the carrot skin, then cut into half and steamed for about 20 minutes until I can poke a chopstick through it. Then I throw the carrots into my small (anytime going to break down) blender and puree it until it's all soft and mushy.
Then I scooped into the ice cube containers and freeze them. After few hours, I took out the food container from the freezer and put each cubes of carrots puree into a plastic bag for easier storage.
And this morning, I woke up at 7am and took 1 cube out and thaw it. When it was time for Alyson's solids (around 10am), I add in about 6 teaspoons of rice cereal and squeezed out some breastmilk on the spot into the container (I don't store my breastmilk..)
And this is her reaction on her first ever carrots puree! Yums? Yay!!!!

Btw, Alyson is 7 months and 3 weeks old now in case you are wondering...