iPad App Review - The Berenstain Bears Come Clean for School

~ Posted on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at 8:07 AM ~

We are not really a big fan of The Berenstain Bears' apps but the moment I saw the pitch review for this app, I decided I must review it as hygiene and manners are something that I would definitely want to instill in our kiddos' life and I'm hoping we could learn something from this story app!

I'm a full-time mummy

* Title: The Berenstain Bears Come Clean for School
* Price: $2.99
* Category: Books
* Released: Oct 16, 2013
* Version: 2.4
* Size: 37.9 MB
* Language: English
* Seller: Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
* Rated: 4+
* Requirements: Requires iOS 5.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.

Description from the product page:

"Join the Berenstain Bears in this interactive storybook app as Sister, Brother, and Papa learn all about avoiding germs to stay healthy! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Will the Bears apply what they learn and avoid getting sick at school?" 

I'm a full-time mummy

* It is engaging and interactive and I love that we can also touch the objects in each page on the screen and the words pop out to tell you what it is!

* I used the opportunity in this app to teach our 4.5 years old boy to maintain his hygiene and cleanliness, to cover his mouth whenever he coughs or sneezes so that the virus and/or bacterias will not spread around and infect others.

* I reminded our boy that his habits of washing hands before and after snack times during his playgroup is a good example to maintain hygiene and gently reminded him to continue this good habits everywhere, not just during the playgroup time.

I'm a full-time mummy

You can purchase the "The Berenstain Bears Come Clean for School" app from the iTunes App Store.

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the promo code to redeem the application for free from iTunes Store in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. And if you'd like to read my previous iPad Apps reviews, you can do so by reading this post of mine called "My iPad App Reviews"

iPad App Review - Trick or Treat

~ Posted on Friday, October 25, 2013 at 7:30 AM ~

We had just recently reviewed "Little Critter-Just Saving My Money" and now, we have the privilege to add this story app to our collection! We are a big fan of Little Critter's apps and I love the educational values that comes along with the story apps and this is no exception!

As for the concept of Halloween, we don't celebrate that in our family but I don't think that should be a stopping point or something that I should not be exposing to my child, at least I want him to know there is such celebration in other place and there is nothing to be afraid of and we have reviewed similar Halloween related apps before so I feel all the more we should review this new app!

I'm a full-time mummy

* Title: Trick or Treat
* Price: $0.99
* Category: Books
* Released: Oct 09, 2013
* Version: 2.4
* Size: 33.1 MB
* Language: English
* Seller: Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
* Rated: 4+
* Requirements: Requires iOS 5.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.

Description from the product page:

"Join Little Critter in this interactive storybook app as he gets ready for Halloween! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. From costumes to jack-o-lanterns, how will Little Critter prepare to go trick-or-treating?" 

I'm a full-time mummy

* It is engaging and interactive and I love that we can also touch the objects in each page on the screen and the words pop out to tell you what it is!

* I used the opportunity in this app to teach our 4.5 years old boy to not be sad if accidents happened - this was when Little Critter found out his candy bag has a hole in it and all the candies he collected dropped out from his bag.

* I also explained to our boy how nice of Little Critter's sister to share her candies with her brother and that my boy should do the same if similar things happened to him and/or his siblings.

* I can see our boy getting more curious with the concept of trick-or-treating, something which we don't see often here in Malaysia so I just explained to our boy that on this particular night, children gets to dress up in weird, funny, scary or pretty costumes and walk around the neighbour, knocking on people's doors and saying 'trick or treat' and what will happened after that.

I'm a full-time mummy

You can purchase the "Trick or Treat" app from the iTunes App Store.

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the promo code to redeem the application for free from iTunes Store in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. And if you'd like to read my previous iPad Apps reviews, you can do so by reading this post of mine called "My iPad App Reviews"

iPad App Review - Just Saving My Money

~ Posted on Friday, October 4, 2013 at 7:33 AM ~

We had just recently reviewed "Little Critter At Scout Camp" and now, we have the privilege to add this story app to our collection! We are a big fan of Little Critter's apps and I love the educational values that comes along with the story apps and this is no exception!

I'm a full-time mummy

* Title: Just Saving My Money
* Price: $0.99
* Category: Books
* Released: Sept 18, 2013
* Current Version: 2.3
* Size: 38.2 MB
* Language: English
* Seller: Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
* Rated: 4+
* Requirements: Requires iOS 5.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.

Description from the product page:

"Little Critter's eager nature and inquisitive mind help him explore the great outdoors at Scout Camp. He and the other critters race canoes down the river, learn about different types of plants and trees, and make gifts for family members. Scout Camp is running smoothly until Little Critter explores a little too far and gets more nature than he bargained for! "

I'm a full-time mummy

* It is engaging and interactive and I love that we can also touch the objects in each page on the screen and the words pop out to tell you what it is!

* I took this opportunity in this story app to teach my boy the importance of saving money and the responsibilities that entails with having to save up your own money.

* Prior to this, I have been introducing the idea of rewarding our boy when he does the household chores without being asked to. When he sees me mopping the floor and he offered to help and does the job (whether still messy or not) I will still reward him with a few coins so that he knows we do appreciate his contribution and help in reducing our workload in the house.

* We also bring our kiddos along to the bank (whenever possible) when it is time to transfer out the heavy coinbox and put them into his savings book. Each of our kiddos have their own savings book although they have yet to figure out what the book does, we do hope they will get the idea soon.

I'm a full-time mummy

You can purchase the "Just Saving My Money" app from the iTunes App Store.

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the promo code by the sponsor to redeem the application for free from iTunes Store in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. And if you'd like to read my previous iPad Apps reviews, you can do so by reading this post of mine called "My iPad App Reviews"