Stir Fry Prawns With Spicy Chili Sauce

~ Posted on Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at 4:54 AM ~

Today's recipe that I would like to share with you all is: Stir Fry Prawns With Spicy Chili Sauce. This dish is cook almost on daily basis as my hubby just loves loves loves the spicy chili sauce that I use (I bought it from a fellow mum in an FB group I'm in)

Ingredients required:

- Prawns (veins removed)

- Sugar, turmeric powder (little bit to marinade the prawns)

- Spicy Chili Sauce (about 2tbsp)

- Onions (sliced)

- Oil for frying prawns (about 2tsp)

- Chopped scallions (for garnishing)


- Remove veins from prawns, quickly rinse with water

- Marinade with a bit sugar and/or turmeric powder

- Heat up 1-2 tsp oil

- Stir fry onions and add prawns and chili sauce

- Fry until prawns are ready

Stir Fry Prawns With Spicy Chili Sauce

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

Product Review - Chicco Twist Baby Chair Cyclamen

~ Posted on Monday, July 18, 2016 at 10:09 PM ~

I have been cutting down on doing product reviews ever since our 3rd kiddo came along in end of Sept 2013 and especially now with 4th kiddo due in mid of November 2016. I do still accept review pitches but only when time permits and if it is something that I can see it being useful and beneficial to our family. Also, as busy as I am with 3 kiddos, being preggy, home cooking, educating our kiddos, taking care of hubby's administration site of the business and swamped up with managing my FB page and blog, I just can't say no to reviewing products from a big brand name like Chicco, a well- established brand from Italy since 1958 and have been in Malaysia for 13 years now. All the more I gotta say yes!

Extreme Colouring- Amazing World


About the company:

"Chicco has been in Malaysia for almost 13 years however, the brand started since 1958. Back in Italy, Chicco owns a baby research centre called the Osservatorio Chicco. Our research centre studies kids of age 0 to 5 years old psycho-physical, emotional and social need. The first few years are a vital period for the growth of all children, a period which full of significant changes and physical and psychological needs, for them and the families. We design our products based on our baby research."

I'm a full-time mummy

We received 3 products from Chicco for our review and today's post will be on "Chicco Twist Baby Chair Cyclamen". I chose the purple colored version as that's my favorite color hahahahah... Now this chair is a 3-in-1 chair in the sense that:

  • It’s a chair where the material is soft and comfortable for your child

  • It’s a chaise longue where your child can lie back in comfort

  • It’s an armchair which allows maximum relaxation for your precious one!

According to the product info, the chair is suitable for your child age between 1 to 5. Our 2 girls (age 2.5 and 4.5) enjoy squeezing themselves and sitting in the chair together. Inseparable sisters!

Chicco Twist Baby Chair Cyclamen

Now I gotta confess something here... there are few occasions where I uhmm... actually also sat in the chair while hubby and I enjoyed our late night movie watching after the kiddos went to bed. I do need to prop up a pillow and the top part to support my head but otherwise, the chair is just as comfortable for a 5 months old pregnant woman hahahah! I love it!

You can see the pictures below where our girls even use the chair for their playtime. They slide their toys from the chair (like a giant snow mountain I guess) and our 2.5 year old girl has on several occasions warned her older sister and brother not to sit in her sofa chair! Very protective of her belonging hahaha!

Chicco Twist Baby Chair Cyclamen

Now, I always check out the product in terms of whether it is easy to clean or wash when there are mess or dirt. As a parent you have to do that with young kiddos in the house, there will bound to be mess, stains and dirt! Now look here, the chair comes with a removable cover to guarantee the best hygiene, easy to unzip and remove for washing! There's also protective covers to cover up the zip area and you need to use a paperclip or something like this in order to unzip the cover.

Chicco Twist Baby Chair Cyclamen

You can see in the picture above from the unzip portion, the chair has soft but sturdy padding making it both safe and comfortable for your child. Nice!! Pictures below showing before and after chocolate milk stain made by our 2.5-year-old girl. Instead of removing the whole cover, I used a wet cloth to wipe the stain area. Easy peasy!

Chicco Twist Baby Chair Cyclamen

I am just impressed with the sturdy, easy to clean, lightweight and convenient to carry chair and it doesn't take up much space. Just love it!

Overall, a very good product that is versatile and caters to your growing child. We love it!

I'm a full-time mummy

You can check out Chicco stores

I'm a full-time mummy

Do note that I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the products in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

Welcome to My Modern Parenthood

~ Posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 10:18 PM ~

I have been cutting down on doing product reviews since 2014 and what more with baby #4 on the way this end of year, all the more I need to be particularly picky and selective with the products that I'm reviewing. Not that I'm trying to be hard sell, no, definitely not! But with 3 kiddos + 1 on the way, being a housewife at home with kiddos all the time and helping out with hubby's business, I just feel it is not fair to make companies and PR reps wait for my reviews while I slowly review and look for time to spare to draft out my feedback you know? But of course, like I said, I have to be selective, so products that we can definitely fit into our family dynamics (especially books on parenting or homeschooling stuff, family products, something along those genre) will be accepted!

When I was contacted to review products from Merries and Kao, I immediately remembered the pleasant experience I had 3 years back when I reviewed Merries diapers for our 2nd kiddo! So needless to say, of course I say yes!  

I'm a full-time mummy
KAO, Japan’s Home Care Expert, has recently launched "Welcome to My Modern Parenthood" (WTMMP) to help new and anxious parents with minimal to zero know-how in transitioning into effortless, enjoyable parenthood through insights and education.

Welcome to My Modern Parenthood

I'm a full-time mummyWe received the following products for our review, they are basically the 3 ideal home care solutions:

  • Japan’s No.1* Baby Diaper, MERRIES;

  • Japan’s No.1* Home Care Range, MAGICLEAN; 

  • Malaysia’s No.1* Laundry Concentrated Powder, ATTACK

Welcome to My Modern Parenthood

After all these years, I am still impressed with Merries diapers. Just love their pants diapers and this time, I get to review the tape version as well (previous review 3 years ago was on their pants diaper version) Below snapshots on the tape and pants version - front and back view so that you can have a look at how they differ.

Welcome to My Modern Parenthood

Welcome to My Modern Parenthood

Personally, I feel both tape and pants version has their own pros and cons. I love the convenience of using the pants version and generally prefer to bring the pants version for our family outing. It is easy to take out, just tear the sides, roll up the diaper and stick the blue tape at the back to hold it together. For the tape version, if your child is still young and need to lie down to change their tape diaper, I guess this would be a better option but, yours truly here is a seasoned parent for 3 kiddos (4th on the way) and have over the years mastered the skills of changing kiddos' diapers while they are standing LOL so for us, tape or pants, no problemo!! So at the end of the day, it really depends on your skills as I see both tape and pants version are of equal quality and comfortable material (not to mention high absorbency!)

Welcome to My Modern Parenthood

We received several Magiclean products for review and I have initially wanted my hubby to try out as well as he cleans the house more than I do hahahaha but in the end, I decided that being pregnant at 5th months now, it would be particularly handy if these products are able to help me out as I really do not want to just depend on other people to clean up my house unless my pregnancy really requires me to rest a lot, otherwise, I think I'm good and I also wanted to use the opportunity to get our kiddos to do the house chores as well heheheh...

Okay back to the Magiclean products... the one that I'm particularly very satisfied and thrilled to use is the Magiclean Wiper Handy Duster Extendable! It looks like a normal peachy colored woolly duster but then you realised you can actually adjust the handle to extend from 46cm to 95cm and then bend it to few angles which gives you the additional reach and convenience to clean high and hard to reach places... whoaaaa... I love it!

Welcome to My Modern Parenthood

I'm also impressed with its high absorption fibres that effectively pick up, trap and hold even the finest dust! Cleaning is so so easy now!

The next item worth mentioning in the Magiclean range of products is the Magiclean Wiper Mop. It can handle wet and dry mopping where you apply on either wet or dry sheets onto the mop. I love the ultra-slim head which allows me to reach deep and narrow spaces and its 360° dust catching pattern improves overall dust trapping ability, you can easily flip left, right, front, back and I think because of this feature, our 4.5 year old girl enjoys mopping our rooms very much! She started out mopping our bedroom (despite my hubby mopping the room just the night before!) and you can already see how dirty it is after the mopping (our house is near the highway so the dust is horrendous at times)

Welcome to My Modern Parenthood

Our girl was so enjoying her mopping that she happily volunteered to mop our staircase as well. This time, I changed the sheet to dry ones to try out. Ahhh.... so easy, even a little child can do it!

Welcome to My Modern Parenthood

I'm also particularly impressed with the Magiclean Kitchen Cleaner Refreshing Lime Trigger. Very impressed with the instant stain-dissolving foam that easily removes the greasy stains in just 1 wipe. I demonstrated it to my mother-in-law and she went 'Whoaaaa... I always have to put some other cleaner liquid and scrub the cooking area real hard and this one is so easy?! Look at how shiny it is also!' Parents, get this mother-in-law approved product!

Welcome to My Modern Parenthood

Some items worth mentioning in the ATTACK range of products are the Attack Ultra Power and Attack Detergent plus Softener liquid detergent. We've always been the powder detergent users (front-loading washing machine) and I feel that the liquid detergent is not bad as well. Smells good and cleans our clothes wonderfully. The softener also made our clothes smooth and soft.

To sum up our experience, I'm grateful for the opportunity to try out the wonderful range of products from Kao & Merries and believe that they will truly transform your parenting life and makes it way more convenient for you to do your house chores, even our young kiddos can do it easily!

I'm a full-time mummy

Do check out Kao's website to find out more!

Btw, Kao is holding a "Parenthood Home Makeover " contest. You can stand to win a home makeover & KAO products worth up to RM30,000! To join the contest, you need to purchase RM38 worth of Magiclean or Attack products and a minimum of 1 pack of Merries diapers. Do note that the contest runs from 2 May to 31 July 2016. So hurry up!

Also, do note that there is an event happening from 13th July to 17th July at the Ground Floor Centre Court (Old Wing) in 1 Utama Shopping Centre. Do join the event for more great deals and promotions!

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the products in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.