Braised Spicy Pork

~ Posted on Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 5:38 AM ~

For this post, I am sharing my next food recipe, Braised Spicy Pork. I am not a fan of pork and even though I cooked it often for my family, I don't really eat it (weird, I know...) but this dish changed me. I find myself eating it without feeling weird etc and have even been cooking extra on few occassions so that I can pack some and give it to my brother in laws and sister in law to try out as well. This dish is well-loved by my hubby and my siblings-in law :)

Without further ado, here is the recipe for Braised Spicy Pork:

* Pork meat, marinated with sugar, sweet soy sauce and baking soda for at least half to one hour
* 1 tbsp of Hot Chili Sauce (Brand: Huy Fong Foods Inc.)
* 3-4 tbsp of Chili Garlic Sauce (Brand: Huy Fong Foods Inc.)   (** click on picture to buy from iHerb)

Chili Garlic Sauce (Brand: Huy Fong Foods Inc.)

* 1 tbsp of Baba's Chili Powder
* Water (about 1 cup) 
* Sugar (about 1/2 tbsp)
* Salt
(about 1/2 tbsp) 
* Cornflour with water if you want to thicken the sauce/gravy
* Oil - for frying the pork slices  

* Slice the pork thinly (thickness and length up to you)
* Heat up oil in pan. Meanwhile mix water, sugar, salt, chili powder, hot chili sauce and chili garlic sauce together in a small bowl.
* Fry the pork slices.
* Pour the sauce mixture into pan.
* Cover pan and braised the pork in the spicy sauce mixture for about 5 minutes and continue cooking for about 5 minutes more.
* You may add the cornflour with water mixture if you want your sauce/gravy to be thicker.
* Ready to serve



Braised Spicy Pork

To view my other recipes, feel free to hop over to my Recipe Library page for more info!

Sharing - Meningitis B Vaccine for Babies

~ Posted on Monday, June 22, 2015 at 11:33 PM ~

I came across this article which I must definitely share with you guys as I'm very interested to know your thoughts on this.

For your convenience, I have copied the excerpts from the article here:

Meningitis B

"The meningitis B vaccine will be introduced to the routine childhood vaccination programme in Scotland from 1 September, it has been announced.

 Scotland is now one of the few nations in the world to offer the vaccination to all infants. The vaccination will be given in three doses at two months, four months and a year. Babies aged two months when the vaccine is introduced will be eligible.

 Meningitis B is a bacterial infection that particularly affects children under the age of one. It commonly affects children under five years of age, and is also common among teenagers aged 15 to 19.

Symptoms include a high fever with cold hands and feet, confusion, vomiting and headaches.

Most children will make a full recovery with early diagnosis and antibiotic treatment, although it is fatal in one in 10 cases. About one in four of those who survive is left with long-term problems such as amputation, deafness, epilepsy and learning difficulties."


Here's another article on Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib):

"Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is a bacterium that can cause a number of serious illnesses, especially in young children.

Meningitis B

 Of the small number of cases that do occur nowadays, most affect adults with long-term (chronic) underlying medical conditions, rather than young children.

 Meningitis is the most severe illness caused by Hib and, even with treatment, one in every 20 children with Hib meningitis will die. Of those who do survive, many will have long-term problems such as hearing loss, seizures and learning disabilities."


In Malaysia, we have this jab under our vaccination schedule (under Hib dos 1, 2 and 3 respectively at month 2, month 3 and month 5). For those of you who are curious on other countries' immunization schedule, I actually did a compilation on Comparison of Immunization Schedules of other countries (just for knowledge purposes).

Do share your thoughts on this!

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

Teaching & Learning Moment - Butterfly

~ Posted on Monday, June 22, 2015 at 5:05 AM ~

I like to bring our kiddos to the playground whenever situations and weather permits. One morning after dropping off our oldest kiddo at kindy, I brought our girls to the playground and it was bright and sunny in the morning so the place was just nice and bright and the playground equipments are dry enough to be played with.

Our girls stomped around and at one point, our 2nd kiddo called out for me and pointed at her discovery. A very tiny butterfly!

Teaching & Learning Moment

Now why this falls into the 'Teaching & Learning Moments!'?

* I get to teach our girls about butterfly and its' body parts (antennae, body, legs, wings).

* I get to teach our girls to be gentle with other creatures.

* I get to test our girl on her understanding and knowledge on how butterfly moves.


** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.