Teaching & Learning Moment - Butterfly

~ Posted on Monday, June 22, 2015 at 5:05 AM ~

I like to bring our kiddos to the playground whenever situations and weather permits. One morning after dropping off our oldest kiddo at kindy, I brought our girls to the playground and it was bright and sunny in the morning so the place was just nice and bright and the playground equipments are dry enough to be played with.

Our girls stomped around and at one point, our 2nd kiddo called out for me and pointed at her discovery. A very tiny butterfly!

Teaching & Learning Moment

Now why this falls into the 'Teaching & Learning Moments!'?

* I get to teach our girls about butterfly and its' body parts (antennae, body, legs, wings).

* I get to teach our girls to be gentle with other creatures.

* I get to test our girl on her understanding and knowledge on how butterfly moves.


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