Sharing - Asbestos in Children's Crayons & Toy Crime Lab Kits

~ Posted on Monday, July 13, 2015 at 12:33 AM ~

I came across this article which I must definitely share with you guys as I'm very interested to know your thoughts on this.

For your convenience, I have copied some of the excerpts from the article here:


Image credit: Group Of Crayon Colorful by mark yang

"The EWG Action Fund is calling for a ban on asbestos in consumer products after it found traces of the carcinogen in children's crayons and toy crime lab kits.

Four of 28 boxes of crayons tested positive for asbestos, according to the newly released report from the advocacy group. A private lab hired by the EWG Action Fund, a sister organization of the Environmental Working Group, also detected and confirmed asbestos in two of 21 toy crime lab kits it evaluated.

Breathing in microscopic asbestos fibers has been linked to serious health problems, including lung disease, lung cancer and mesothelioma. The Environmental Protection Agency says exposure to asbestos only occurs when asbestos-containing material is disturbed, and when the particles become airborne.

Package labels indicated that the crayons and toys containing asbestos were made in China and imported to the United States, according to the report. Affected crayon boxes included Amscan Crayons purchased at Party City as well as Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Crayons and Saban's Power Rangers Super Megaforce boxes purchased at Dollar Tree.

The two toy crime lab kits with contaminants included the black fingerprint powder in the Edu Science Deluxe Forensics Lab Kit, purchased at, and the white fingerprint powder from the Inside Intelligence Secret Spy kit, purchased on

However, the EWG Action Fund report does not list the amount of asbestos found in the products. Paulson, who is not affiliated with the report, said that powder from the crime lab kits was of particular concern."


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Do share your thoughts on this!


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Venus and Jupiter

~ Posted on Friday, July 10, 2015 at 5:59 AM ~

I have been seeing articles about the planets Venus and Jupiter closely together and wanted to share some shots I took during our recent family holiday in Thailand.

Venus and Jupiter

Venus and Jupiter


According to DailyMail,

"The planets, which are hundreds of millions of miles from each other, will for a short period of time seem to be galactic neighbours, passing so close they seem to merge.

 The line-of-sight illusion is caused when the orbits of Venus and Jupiter line up on the same side of the sun as seen from Earth.

 As Venus orbits in 225 days, Earth in 365 and Jupiter in 4,330, the chance of such as alignment occurring is fairly rare."

For more pictures you can see them at here, here and here.

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

Sharing - Safety Board Urges Infants Get Own Seats On Airplanes

~ Posted on Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 6:43 AM ~

I came across this article which I must definitely share with you guys as I'm very interested to know your thoughts on this.

For your convenience, I have copied some of the excerpts from the article here:

"Infants and young children could be required to be belted in their own airline seats instead of being held on their parents’ laps, if the Transportation Safety Board of Canada’s latest recommendations are adopted.

“In some cases of severe turbulence, or a sudden deceleration, or an accident, parents simply can’t hang on to the baby as hard as they might try,” said Kathy Fox, chair of the Transportation Safety Board, in a telephone interview. “That’s why they need to be in a separate seat.”

The recommendations were released this week as part of a report into a Perimeter Aviation crash in December 2012, in Sanikiluaq, Nunavut, where a 6-month-old baby, who was being held by his mother, was killed when the small turboprop overshot the runway as pilots tried to land a second time in bad weather.

If Transport Canada were to mandate the changes, it would mean every child, even those under 2, who are currently allowed to fly for free if held by parents in their arms, would need to have his or her own seat. That would likely bring higher costs for families wanting to travel by air. “If the baby had been in his own seat, with a proper seat restraint system, he would have had a better chance of survival, given that everybody else survived,” said Fox.

While airlines offer a financial incentive to hold a child under 2 in the lap of an adult, Fox argued it is something parents will have to address, because kids are simply safer in their own seat, in an approved child restraint system.

“It’s comes down to basic physics,” she said. “Young children aren’t suitably restrained at critical times of flight, during takeoff and landing and turbulence, they are exposed to more risk."


According to one of the T&C of our carrier flights:

"An infant may travel provided he sits on an adult's lap. Only one (1) infant is allowed for one (1) adult. No perambulators are allowed on board the aircraft."


Personally, I am quite conflicted with this - I guess it depends on the child's age.

A child under a year old might not be able to sit up straight, so how is it feasible for them to be belted in their individual seat? Wouldn't holding them be safer?

A toddler (above 1 year old) who can stand up, climb up and wriggle out might be able to wriggle out of their seatbelt which defeats the purpose of securing them during takeoffs or landings. In this situation, it would be safer for the toddler to be held by the parents/adults in-charge I feel.

During our recent holiday trip to Thailand, I had to hold our 1.5 years old girl on my lap as well, but she has on an infant seatbelt which was hooked onto mine - refer picture shown below. I personally feel it is safer for her to be on my lap, belted in with my seatbelt.

Infant Seat on Plane


I am not sure how flights of other countries works when it comes to infant passengers.

Do share your thoughts and/or experiences on this!


** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.