My Dream Holiday...

~ Posted on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 9:35 PM ~

As a SAHM, one of the things I look forward to is taking a short break from home, to be away with my family on a holiday. You have no idea how hectic and tiring it is being stuck at home all day, 24 hours, 7 days a week and 365 days a year! To be able to get away from the house even just for a few days is a blessing really!

Currently, I would check with my husband's work schedule (he has his own IT business) and then plan for our family holidays months in advance, usually a 3 days 2 nights trip and I would book for a hotel stay which is family-friendly and near to the places of interests particularly beach area and with lots of good places with delicious food to eat!

Our most recent family trip during the Mother's Day celebration is more like one of those Hotel breaks, where again was planned few months in advance. But this time it is much more relaxed and other than venturing out for food, we practically spend most of the time in our hotel and at the beach.

I feel the entire trip we had is more of a relaxed manner as we just focus on chilling and spending time enjoying the views and hotel facilities. Despite the short trip, I definitely enjoyed the holiday and look forward for more to come!

Of course, given the chance and in time (surely, need to think positive!), I would like to take a longer break and perhaps go for overseas holiday. I chanced upon this website with details on City breaks in the UK which seems very interesting! I have some friends staying in UK and I would like to make UK one of the places to visit in future (apart from Hong Kong, Sweden and Italy or Spain perhaps?)

Image credit: Google search

Back to UK, I have a friend who stays in London and I've not been hearing from him for a long long time. We used to joke about us going there to travel and staying at his place and he even offered to bring us around for sightseeing. Sigh... how I wish that day will come soon! I do miss getting news from him!

With air travel getting more affordable nowadays, I think it will be possible for this plan to materialise one day, provided my kids are older and easier to manage then.

What about you? Do you have any favorite places that you travel to?

** Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All thoughts, opinions and words are 100 % my own.

Embracing My Supernatural ChildBirth Experiences...

~ Posted on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 12:00 PM ~

Welcome to the June 2012 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Embracing Your Birth Experience

This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants have written about at least one part of their birth experience that they can hold up and cherish.

Btw if you have baby girls, I highly recommend purchasing a baby swing for girls so you can get some much needed rest from the infants for a few minutes!

I blogged about both Benjamin's and Alyson's supernatural childbirth experiences before. For this month's Carnival of Natural Parenting, we have this topic to ponder on:

"It seems like there is so much pressure in the natural parenting community to have the “perfect” birth, but everyone’s definition of the “perfect” birth is different – and it certainly isn’t what happens for many women. This month we want to celebrate the miracle of birth no matter what it looks like. Pick at least one part of your birth experience that you can hold up and cherish and share it with us!"

Now, I for one, don't think I had the perfect birth for both my kids, but I do believe they are both supernatural. Why?

With my 1st child,

* Ben engaged himself just 2 hours before I gave birth (or I'd end up with C-sect cos breech position)

* I don't rely on painkillers other than Entonox (aka the laughing gas)

* I delivered Ben in 3 pushes! (well, first one not counted since it was wasted on my screaming like a banshee)

* I lost very little blood - according to my gynae, I only lose 250ml (a can of soft drink) of blood.

* I didn't even suffer for long from the contractions pain until I was at the hospital (which if I count from midnight to the point I delivered is just 4.5 hours!)

With my 2nd child,

* Alyson engaged herself and I finally have the chance to feel how a baby engaged feels like (and how painful it was when the contractions came)

* I delivered Alyson naturally

* I don't rely on painkillers other than Entonox (which was for a couple of seconds only)

* I delivered Alyson in 2 pushes!

* I lost very little blood about 250ml (a can of soft drink) which was the same case with Ben

* No episiotomy this round! Yeay!

Product Review - Firmoo Full Frame Wrap-Around Plastic Sunglasses

~ Posted on Monday, June 11, 2012 at 5:27 PM ~

I have never own a sunglasses in my life before and that is partly because I've been wearing spectacles since I was like 12 years old? Yes, I do have a couple clip-on sunglasses but those can't be reused when I change spectacles like every few years. So when I came across the opportunity to review a sunglasses, I jumped at the chance! Anyway here goes my review for the "Firmoo Full Frame Wrap-Around Plastic Sunglasses":

I'm a full-time mummy

Description from the product page: 

"Beautifully sculpted and constructed, this is a highly fashionable model of sunglasses for charming ladies. Instead of being round and huge, these fabulous sunglasses have modified oval and small lenses. Fine materials allow lightness, as well as long term wearing. Total weight is only 25 grams with basic lenses. The front arms are decorated with hollowed out pieces, adding modern feelings. They are definitely great choices for all round leisure wear."

I'm a full-time mummy

 I chose this particular model as I was attracted to its design and color! I am glad I made this choice as the moment I received the item, I just fell in love with it!

I love the full frame wrap-around feature and the cool thing with this sunglasses is it does not have the pads on the nose bridge area, which is the same thing I got for my new spectacles. Nice! No more adjusting and annoying pads on the bridge of my nose!

My only regret with reviewing this sunglasses is I didn't include in my eyesight prescription (which I got few weeks after I emailed my details for the review pitch) else I would have been tremendously happy with this sunglasses!

Anyway, I took the sunglasses to our usual optician shop and have informed the shop to change the lens to a prescribed lens so that I can use it anytime. I'm looking forward to an opportunity to use it during our family outing next time!

I'm a full-time mummy

You can browse more designs at:

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the product by Firmoo in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.

I'm a full-time mummy