Preparing for Bottle Feeding When Maternity Leave Ends...

~ Posted on Thursday, June 14, 2012 at 11:57 AM ~

I saw this question posted by one mummy in a breastfeeding group I joined in Facebook "Hi mummies, I will back to work 2nd week in July. By the time my baby will be 2 months old. Any suggestion how much of expressed breastmilk I should store and provide to nanny in a day?"

** Image credit: Google search

My immediate reply was:

"I'm a SAHM now but I did worked for 1 month before I quit my job, so what I did 2 weeks before my maternity leave ended:

1. Start storing by direct latching one side and pumping on the other side

2. Also pump at regular hours which will be the same hours when I go back to work (meaning I pump 8am, 12.30pm and 4.30pm)

3. Get baby used to bottle by giving other people (such as husband, MIL, etc) to feed instead of me feeding baby as he will not want mummy to feed because they can smell our breastmilk and who wants bottle when the real thing is right next to them?

4. To gauge on how much
baby should take, I try out by giving 1 oz, finish, I add 1 oz more, continue until baby stops. By the end of 2nd month, my baby takes about 3-4 oz per feed.

5. Please make sure you have backup to store your expressed breastmilk if you are staying in an area prone of electricity blackout. You really don't want to cry over the breastmilk melting and spoiling.

6. To maintain your
breastmilk production, direct latch baby before you leave work and try to get nanny to hold off giving your expressed breastmilk if she can or if baby can still wait so baby can direct latch when you finish work. (direct latch more frequently will keep up the breastmilk production)"

How about you? Any tips to add on that you can share?

I'm a full-time mummy

Baby Room Review - IPC Mutiara Damansara

~ Posted on Thursday, June 14, 2012 at 8:59 AM ~

It has been a while since I blog about my review on baby room. If you are interested in my previous reviews, you can read them at my old blog as well which is at:

I hope you enjoy reading my baby room review as much as I enjoy sneaking in my camera along with my baby and sheepishly taking pictures during the nursing session hehehehe...

Anyway, back to today's post. I have previously reviewed the baby room in IPC (used to be called Ikano Power Center) sometime in 2009, so here is the updated version with new pictures of the baby room!

When: 29th May 2012

Why: Family outing

Location: 2nd floor 


Location: There is proper signage that will lead you to the baby room

Facilities: Dustbin, mirror, sink, handwash liquid, towels, 2 diaper changing station, 2 sofas with 1 of them having a curtain around to cordon it off for breastfeeding mums. I love the new designs too! (They changed the curtain and sofa, yay!)

IPC Baby Room

Comfort Level: The room size is just nice, cosy, not too cold/hot/stuffy, nice setting and comfortable lit.

iPad App Review - The Singing Alphabet

~ Posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 7:06 AM ~

Here is a cute app which I got to review with Ben (with Alyson very interested!) in my search to get more educational preschool apps for him. Anyway, my review as below...

I'm a full-time mummy

* Title: The Singing Alphabet
* Price: $0.99
* Category: Education
* Updated: May 12, 2012
* Version: 1.1
* Size: 95.0 MB
* Language: English
* Seller: Ministry of Letters ltd
* Rated: 4+
* Requirements: Compatible with iPad.Requires iOS 4.3 or later.

Description from the product page:

"Did you know that letters could sing? Welcome to the Ministry of Letters' Singing Alphabet. We have worked with experts in child development to ensure this app will engage children with the world of letters and word making in a completely new and imaginative way. Our letters are fun and friendly characters that children will love playing with.

Each time a child presses a letter it will sing its phonetic sound. Your child can press as many letters as they want and the tune will always sound harmonious. Children can enjoy creating new songs with different combinations of letters or singing along with a single letter and practicing its sound!

They can explore making their own words by pressing the pen at the bottom of the screen to show the letters they have chosen. They can hear what the words sound like when they sing and enjoy playing with different combinations. Practicing the weekly spelling test with your child will never be so enjoyable!

This is a fun, engaging app to encourage children to really enjoy the alphabet and have fun making words. It entertains a range of ages with younger children discovering the alphabet for the first time and older ones competing to make the best words."

I'm a full-time mummy

What's good?

* I love the interesting and catchy tunes of the letters!

* I like the idea of teaching letters of the alphabet in this creative and fun way!

* Even my 9 months old girl can't resist and tap along!

Room for Improvement?

* I hope the length of the characters tapped can be extended more as I can't seem to type my first child's name, which is 'Benjamin'.

I'm a full-time mummy

You can purchase the "The Singing Alphabet" app from the iTunes App Store.

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the promo code by the sponsor to redeem the application for free from iTunes Store in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. And if you'd like to read my previous iPad Apps reviews, you can do so by reading this post of mine called "My iPad App Reviews"

I'm a full-time mummy