Welcome to the June 2012 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Embracing Your Birth Experience
This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants have written about at least one part of their birth experience that they can hold up and cherish.
Btw if you have baby girls, I highly recommend purchasing a baby swing for girls so you can get some much needed rest from the infants for a few minutes!
I blogged about both Benjamin's and Alyson's supernatural childbirth experiences before. For this month's Carnival of Natural Parenting, we have this topic to ponder on:
"It seems like there is so much pressure in the natural parenting community to have the “perfect” birth, but everyone’s definition of the “perfect” birth is different – and it certainly isn’t what happens for many women. This month we want to celebrate the miracle of birth no matter what it looks like. Pick at least one part of your birth experience that you can hold up and cherish and share it with us!"
Now, I for one, don't think I had the perfect birth for both my kids, but I do believe they are both supernatural. Why?
With my 1st child,
* Ben engaged himself just 2 hours before I gave birth (or I'd end up with C-sect cos breech position)
* I don't rely on painkillers other than Entonox (aka the laughing gas)
* I delivered Ben in 3 pushes! (well, first one not counted since it was wasted on my screaming like a banshee)
* I lost very little blood - according to my gynae, I only lose 250ml (a can of soft drink) of blood.
* I didn't even suffer for long from the contractions pain until I was at the hospital (which if I count from midnight to the point I delivered is just 4.5 hours!)
With my 2nd child,
* Alyson engaged herself and I finally have the chance to feel how a baby engaged feels like (and how painful it was when the contractions came)
* I delivered Alyson naturally
* I don't rely on painkillers other than Entonox (which was for a couple of seconds only)
* I delivered Alyson in 2 pushes!
* I lost very little blood about 250ml (a can of soft drink) which was the same case with Ben
* No episiotomy this round! Yeay!