Just want to share this door sign that we stick on our bedroom door since our first child was born in March 2009.
That was almost 4 years ago!

Hubby made this door sign and printed it out and we stick it on our door in preparation of our first child's arrival back in early 2009. And it has never been taken off since then... even when our 2nd child comes along.
Total almost 4 years now this trusted sign has been serving us well, warning guests and visitors from simply intruding into our room (especially during the first month when our 2 kiddos were born and I was trying to establish my breastfeeding pattern and schedule)
I think this idea of a door sign is especially helpful if you are planning to breastfeed and would like total privacy when breastfeeding your newborn child. It sends a polite message that you do not wish to be disturbed at the moment and you also don't have to end up like you are being disrespectful for telling people to back off while you are breastfeeding.
What do you think?