It was about half year ago since I posted about my paranoia of going out. There were some crime cases happening then (and even now still is) which added on to my paranoia!
A few weeks back, a fellow SAHM friend shared a status update in her Facebook that she is stepping out of her comfort zone by taking a public transportation (a train) to go check out a book fair and I was touched at her words.
Stepping out of her comfort zone.
I've been couped up in my house most of the time. With my 2 kiddos. Unless it is weekend or hubby has no business appointments on weekdays, it's pretty much stuck at home for me and my 2 kiddos.
Ever since I read that few words, I too planned to gather up my courage again to go out.
To drive my car (it's an almost 15 years old second hand car which used to be hubby's) out somewhere so I can experienced something new instead of the walls in my house.
So I have been slowly planning grocery trips with my 2 kiddos. And in order to bring my 2 kiddos out, I had to lure my MIL along so that she can help look after my kiddos while I drive.
So far, it has been 2 times since I managed to do that. It has so far became a fortnightly grocery trips and the first time we went out, my MIL dumped me and my 2 kiddos the moment we stepped into the supermarket. I think she went bonkers when she saw the newly decorated supermarket (which we have not frequented for almost a year). I told myself 'Nevermind. Even though I'm stuck with my 2 kiddos again, at least, it's not home and it's outside. Something new.' And in the first trip, I managed to handle my 2 kiddos all by myself for 3.5 hours while my MIL shops happily.
The second time we went to the supermarket again (last week), I decided to let my boy tires himself out by pushing his baby sister in the trolley. Don't worry I stood behind my boy watching and monitoring closely both my kiddos.

Then I was hungry as I have not taken my breakfast yet. So we parked our trolley outside the cafe and I had my breakfast before we continued on with our shopping.

And then my girl got restless and I thought it is better to tire her out now by letting her push her big brother in the trolley. The second trip lasted near 2 hours before I surrendered and rushed my MIL to finish up her shopping and go back home.

I told my hubby just the other day of my plan to bring the kiddos and his mum out maybe every fortnight so I can gather up my courage to drive out more often instead of being stuck at home all the time. He agreed with my plans and offered to give me allowance for the grocery shopping as well. Woohooo! I hope I'll be able to venture further next time!
If you are a SAHM, do you go out to have some 'me' time?
What do you do to pass time?