I came across this article which I must definitely share with you guys. We all need more positive inspiring stories in our crazy world nowadays! For your convenience, I have copied the excerpts from the article here:
An anonymous woman is quickly becoming a viral hero after she paid for a plane ticket for a toddler in need. The photo of her and the tale of her generosity was posted on the LoveWhatMatters Facebook page on Wednesday.

According to the post, she was at an unspecified airport and overheard a man who was traveling with his daughter talking to the gate agent. There was a problem: he’d been under the impression the girl could fly for free, but because she had just recently turned two in fact she now needed her own ticket. An honest enough mistake, given how confusing airline regulations can be.
He didn't have one for her and was devastated. He told the agent he couldn’t afford to rebook his flight or pay the exorbitant last minute fare for his toddler. He made a few calls and a person who witnessed the scene said he was, “Hugging his daughter and grabbing his head, you could tell he was heartbroken.”
This valiant woman, who was next to him at the counter, heard this all go down, and after a short talk with him, she approached the counter again and said she wanted to buy the girl’s ticket. The gate agent asked her if she knew the ticket cost $749. She said “that’s fine,” and paid for it with her credit card.
According to the post, those around her were in awe, and the man hugged her and asked for her info so he could repay her. She replied with, "Don't worry about it." Not surprisingly, the response to the woman's amazing actions have been overwhelmingly positive.
Now if there's any justice in the world, whatever airline this is will offer this woman at least a partial refund. Those last minute fares are unconscionably high and no one — especially not this angel — should have to pay them.
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