About a month ago, we went to check out the RMAF Museum or Muzium TUDM (in Bahasa). We went there on a Sunday afternoon (can't recall exact time, probably 3-ish?) and spent almost 2 hours there! Anyway, this post is to document down our thoughts and feedback on our visit to the Muzium TUDM (RMAF Museum)...

It takes us a while to locate the place as we were coming from another direction of Sungai Besi but to be honest, once we could see the landing base in Sungai Besi (big huge space), you just sort of navigate towards the area and you'll reach there in no time. You see a big guarded entry to which you take an immediate left turn to drive in a wee bit and reached your destination.

You will be greeted with an aircraft on a huge pedestal the moment you stepped into the museum. Then you will see a helicopter and our 5 years old boy immediately shouted that it looks like the one in Transformer show (err... the one that morphed into a giant robotic scorpion in the desert?) There's a blue small tank as you ventured further in.

You will then see a small lake and you walked further in, you will be greeted with a sight of loads and loads of aircrafts nicely parked in the huge huge field. On the right hand side, you will see a huge aircraft hangar.
We turned left and started exploring and checking out the aircrafts out in the field. A big signboard warns you not to stepped into the exhibit area but yet I've seen some blogs around with pictures of the bloggers and their family members INSIDE the aircrafts. Oh well, we are law abiding citizens, so we stayed in the proper areas.

Somehow our 2.5 years old girl ventured off tracks and started picking up the things she sees on ground, flowers, plants, anything! She runs around under the hot hot sun. Gaaaaa, this mummy is too tired to chase her off the track since I was also pushing our 6 months old girl in the stroller. So I just let our Alyson roams free and snapped all these gorgeous shots!

Once we checked out all the aircrafts out in the field, we turned towards the hangar and explored inside. There's an aircraft you can climbed into and pretends to fly it hahaha...

To sum up our review on Muzium TUDM (RMAF Museum):
FREE entry!
- Lots of nice clear signboards with more details on the aircrafts.
The walkways are stroller-friendly (though some are a wee bit bumpy for the outdoor aircrafts exhibition site)

- If you are lucky (or stay long enough) you might even get to see an aircraft lands (we saw a small plane landing)
Opening Hours: Mon - Thurs (9am to 5pm), Fri (close), Sat - Sun (9.30am to 5pm)
If you plan to go there, do remember to bring caps for your kiddos, spare shirts and pants, lots of water, umbrella. Sorry I can't comment on the amenities (toilet, nursing room etc) as we didn't need to use these facilities during our visit there.
Overall, a very very nice place to visit, lots of fun and educational stuff enough to attract your kiddos and it is free!
** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.