Wow! Up until today, I have no idea there is such a thing called Green Choice Carpet cleaning!
Have you heard of such terms? In case you haven't well, it is actually a method to clean your carpets (rugs, leather, upholstery and even mattress!) using natural organic cleaning products.
For your info, most carpet cleaning products contain substances that are known to be irritants, toxins, or carcinogens. A big no-no if you ask me! This is one of the reasons why I am all for reviewing products which are natural and organic and does not contains toxic products which could harm my family and children's health.
We don't have any carpets in our house but we do have a rug in our children's playroom which they can walk and crawl and even lie down on the rug and I definitely would not want them to be exposed to these irritants, toxins, or carcinogens. I think this is a cool way to clean up a carpet (or rug for our case) while going green and staying natural and healthy at the same time.
How do you clean your carpet (or rugs)?

** Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All thoughts, opinions and words are 100 % my own.