How We Wash Our Little One's Bum After They Pooped...

~ Posted on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at 8:16 AM ~

The other day, I saw a mummy asked "Want to ask if cleansing wipes is safe for newborn? Anyone use any good brand to wipe LO buttock after LO poo?" in one of the mummy groups I joined on Facebook and decided to write this post to share our methods of how and what we do when washing our little ones (aka LOs) bums after they pooped.

My immediate reply was "At home, I used warm water with facial cotton for both my kids before they turned 1 month old. After 1 mth old and before they can stand, I washed them over the sink or bend over my lap while I squat on bathroom floor. If outside, I use baby wipes, brands not particular. Most important is apply nappy cream after wash and clean to prevent rash. I apply nappy cream for first 2 months after that no more."

Now, before I elaborate further, just want to share that both my kids so far have never experienced any nappy rash and I think it is because we do the following:

1. Ensure baby diapers are regularly changed (I changed when I feel it is heavy or after they poop of course or if it is not heavy at all, I will still change every 2-3 hours)

2. Ensure baby's bum are wiped clean (whether you use baby wipes, cloth, wash etc)

3. Apply nappy cream around baby's bum area (concentrating on the area where they would be in most of contact of pee or poop). We use Bepanthen Ointment 100 gr. TubeBepanthen for both our kids.

4. Always be alert to check whether baby has pooped or not and don't let them sit (soak!) in their pooped diaper for long time.

Ok, back to our bum washing regime:

1. Newborn until 1 month old:

For both our kids, before they turned 1 month old, we use facial cotton wipes (no particular brand), soak into a small container of warm water, squeezed off the excess water and wiped their bum.

Image credit: Google search

Each facial cotton wipes can only be used once, meaning, soak into warm water, squeezed off the excess water, wipe to clean, then throw (never re-dip the facial cottons into the container of warm water!). Repeat until bum is cleaned. Then apply nappy cream and put on new diaper.

2. For 1 month onwards until they can stand by themself:

After 1 month old and before they know how to stand themselves, we will carry them and wash them over the sink. And yes, that means cold water. We will use this method while they are still small and not able to wriggle around, so that'd be around 1 to 5 months old.

I'm a full-time mummy
Image credit: Google search

Once our kid got bigger and wriggle more, we have to wash them in the bathroom. By this age, their bum can withstand cold water so this is our preferred method of washing their bum after they pooped.

So far my 9 months old Alyson is being washed like the pictures shown below. Hubby will stand and carry our LOs while he washes them. I on the other hand, prefer to squat down (don't want to strain my back), put my kids over my thighs and wash them.

Hubby holding and washing 6 months old Benjamin in 2010.

Me washing 9 months old Alyson.

3. Once they can stand on their own:

This is the easiest stage! I just get my kid to stand, tell them to spread their legs wide and wash the poop (whatever left). So far, only my 3 year old Benjamin is doing this and it helps greatly now that he is potty trained mostly (I'm working on getting him diaperless for bedtime at night, other than that, he is completely potty trained already!)

4. Regime when we are out:

Of course, the above can't be practised if we are out (like in the mall) so we have to resort to using baby wipes to clean the mess.

What is your washing regime when it comes to cleaning your LO's bum after they pooped?

I'm a full-time mummy

Comments (6) -


I love how informative your posts are. I am a new follower and looking forward to visiting often

Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy

Hi Jenn!
Thank you, glad you enjoyed my blog!


pretty much i do the same.not only me but in my family every mother.thats how i learn after seeing them

Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy

Thanks shadab for sharing your comments!


I'm also washing my gal's butt if she poops. just that I need to get a chair to put her on it as the shower spray is too high up. but then, for my gal I still need to double check after the wash as sometimes there'll still be a little poop stuck in the private part. :p

Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy

Thanks Jani for sharing your comments!

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