Pictures of meals are getting less since quite a number of the meals served to Ben have been featured in previous posts of toddler's meals. Continuing on with Ben's meals for June 20th to 26th...
20 June
Breakfast - Oats, cornflakes
Lunch - Roll cake, Fried noodle, some of my choc bun
Dinner - Cornflakes, rice, roast chicken & soup
21 June
Breakfast - Oats, grapes, a Vitagen, few bites of my cake roll
Lunch - Banana, Yogurt, 1 boiled egg, some of my nasi lemak
Tea - waffle, cornflakes, 1 boiled egg
Dinner - Rice, pork & soup
22 June
Breakfast - Alphabet pasta with cream sauce, a banana, grapes, a Vitagen
Lunch - Konnyaku jelly, 2 slice of toast bread with peanut choc spread
Dinner - Oats and grapes with a cup of diluted Ribena, 1/3 of my fried rice
Breakfast on 22 June ~ Alphabet pasta with cream sauce
23 June
Breakfast - Oats, cornflakes
Lunch - Cornflakes, choc milk
Dinner - Rice, half tube of Japanese tofu, 1 piece of my roasted chicken drummet, a cup of diluted Ribena
Dinner on 23 June ~ Rice, half tube of Japanese tofu, 1 piece of my roasted chicken drummet
24 June
Breakfast - Oats, cornflakes, grapes, vitagen
Lunch - 1 egg tart
Tea - 1 banana, yogurt
Dinner - rice, pork, tofu
25 June
Breakfast - Alphabet pasta with cream sauce, vitagen, jelly
Lunch - Rice, papadom, a bit of fish, Milo
Dinner - Rice, soup, tofu, 2oz of fish mince
26 June
Breakfast - pork bun, some of my custard bun, a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - Soup, rice, carrot, mushroom, pieces of chicken
Tea - Crackers
Dinner - Oats, carrots mash, cornflakes and a cup of diluted Ribena