Toddler Meals (June 20 - 26)

~ Posted on Sunday, June 26, 2011 at 10:24 PM ~

Pictures of meals are getting less since quite a number of the meals served to Ben have been featured in previous posts of toddler's meals. Continuing on with Ben's meals for June 20th to 26th...

20 June
Breakfast - Oats, cornflakes
Lunch - Roll cake, Fried noodle, some of my choc bun
Dinner - Cornflakes, rice, roast chicken & soup

21 June
Breakfast - Oats, grapes, a Vitagen, few bites of my cake roll
Lunch - Banana, Yogurt, 1 boiled egg, some of my nasi lemak
Tea - waffle, cornflakes, 1 boiled egg
Dinner - Rice, pork & soup

22 June
Breakfast - Alphabet pasta with cream sauce, a banana, grapes, a Vitagen
Lunch - Konnyaku jelly, 2 slice of toast bread with peanut choc spread
Dinner - Oats and grapes with a cup of diluted Ribena, 1/3 of my fried rice

Breakfast on 22 June ~ Alphabet pasta with cream sauce

23 June
Breakfast - Oats, cornflakes
Lunch - Cornflakes, choc milk
Dinner - Rice, half tube of Japanese tofu, 1 piece of my roasted chicken drummet, a cup of diluted Ribena

Dinner on 23 June ~ Rice, half tube of Japanese tofu, 1 piece of my roasted chicken drummet

24 June
Breakfast - Oats, cornflakes, grapes, vitagen
Lunch - 1 egg tart
Tea - 1 banana, yogurt
Dinner - rice, pork, tofu

25 June
Breakfast - Alphabet pasta with cream sauce, vitagen, jelly
Lunch - Rice, papadom, a bit of fish, Milo
Dinner - Rice, soup, tofu, 2oz of fish mince

26 June
Breakfast - pork bun, some of my custard bun, a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - Soup, rice, carrot, mushroom, pieces of chicken
Tea -  Crackers
Dinner - Oats, carrots mash, cornflakes and a cup of diluted Ribena

Comments (6) -


Following from "I love my Online Friends Monday Hop"

Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy

Hi Jill!

Thanks for the follow! Your blog profile pic is so cute! I've returned the favor and looking forward to seeing you in my blog sometime! Smile


Just stopped by from I Love My Online Friends, and I'm following.  You are so organized with those meals.  When I think about having kids I wonder if I could really be organized enough to do it. -Lola


I sure wish I could get my girls to eat eggs! They do NOT like them at all!

Mrs. T

Yes, I'm not doing every well with the blog design... haven't even found time to try!! Ahh! Blogging is time consuming and I just wanted to spend it with my loves! ha ha... hopefully when Emma gets to bed I can work on it again. But 'Mad Men' episodes are calling my name...

Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy

Hi Lola,
Thanks for the follow! I've returned the favor and looking forward to seeing you in my blog sometime!

Hey Aurie!
Oh really? Ben depends on his mood, there are times when he can eat up to 3 eggs in a day but there are times he just turned away when he sees it!

Hi Mrs. T!
Oh, take your time, slow and steady wins the race! Don't rush into redesigning your blog and have it turned out sucky in the end Tong

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